Hmmm my profile magically disappeared.
I can't be assed to fill in my answers again.
So here are some random things you may or may not know about me.
*My SG name is after my boyfriends father, I realised a year or so I misspelled it. It should be Dias (Portuguese not Spanish.
*More than anything I want to travel, I have been to London, South of France, Israel and Las Vegas. Within Africa I have been to Namibia and Swaziland
*I love poker but I am too scared to play in poker clubs
*I just got a personal trainer and want to be as hard as a rock in 3 months time
*I hate hate the feeling of wool on my teeth
*I was voted 'most likely to wear a bunny suit for no reason' on Facebook
*I love TV and can watch it all day long
*I work in a corporate environment so I can't have tattoo's in visible places
*I love horror movies, not the kind with monsters though, I only like the ones that have an element of realism, like it could actually happen.
*I am totally besotted with my boyfriend of nearly five years
*My favourite thing of all time is live music and I could happily watch live bands every weekend (unfortunately I have to travel for this passion as our live music scene in South Africa is somewhat lacking)
*I am not afraid of death
*I am petrified of people I love dying and I obsess about this
*I have alcoholism in my family and I am afraid of becoming one myself
*I want to get a puppy badddly but I can't cos I have 5 pit bulls on my property (belonging to my landlord) and I don't spend enough time at home
*I will never get over the death of my dog Killer

I am shooting in the next few weeks again with the lovely Talamia, we did a shoot a little while ago but decided not to submit it, weren't sure it was quite strong enough and I wasn't willing to go through the whole MR thing.

Oh and...
Why does Snoop carry around an umbrella?
I can't be assed to fill in my answers again.
So here are some random things you may or may not know about me.
*My SG name is after my boyfriends father, I realised a year or so I misspelled it. It should be Dias (Portuguese not Spanish.
*More than anything I want to travel, I have been to London, South of France, Israel and Las Vegas. Within Africa I have been to Namibia and Swaziland
*I love poker but I am too scared to play in poker clubs
*I just got a personal trainer and want to be as hard as a rock in 3 months time
*I hate hate the feeling of wool on my teeth
*I was voted 'most likely to wear a bunny suit for no reason' on Facebook
*I love TV and can watch it all day long
*I work in a corporate environment so I can't have tattoo's in visible places
*I love horror movies, not the kind with monsters though, I only like the ones that have an element of realism, like it could actually happen.
*I am totally besotted with my boyfriend of nearly five years
*My favourite thing of all time is live music and I could happily watch live bands every weekend (unfortunately I have to travel for this passion as our live music scene in South Africa is somewhat lacking)
*I am not afraid of death
*I am petrified of people I love dying and I obsess about this
*I have alcoholism in my family and I am afraid of becoming one myself
*I want to get a puppy badddly but I can't cos I have 5 pit bulls on my property (belonging to my landlord) and I don't spend enough time at home
*I will never get over the death of my dog Killer

I am shooting in the next few weeks again with the lovely Talamia, we did a shoot a little while ago but decided not to submit it, weren't sure it was quite strong enough and I wasn't willing to go through the whole MR thing.

Oh and...
Why does Snoop carry around an umbrella?
P.S check this out
Its real money
I think you can buy a slice or two of bread with it
Been meaning to ask: How come the mister isn't joining you at ours on Saturday??