shaaaatt, it's been a while! well, well, i must say it's great to be here. good to be alive. writing songs and playing out. next show is mar 29th at the gig on 7302 melrose in hollywood. my band's name is Heron. it's gonna be a great show!
today is ok i guess. mucha lucha rocks. i'm working in my coffee shop and putting in an addition to my journal while a completely hot girl sits here next to me. let's see what ensues! he he he!
hello. did you hear? sometimes... well, just some. how about us? good place to start. this world has people; real people. were there fake people at some point? is history a story? we can make a tall tale of it all... and it was boring to the point of wishing there was a way to change it. forgot what you wanted to change? go back... Read More
i claim this journal in the name of the great captain blonde beard. i'll get back to you later in regards to the matters of taking your booty and plundering your ship. just remember, your booty's mine!