It's been a while since I've done some blog homework, but I figured it was time for me start back up again. This is a fun and easy topic so why not! I love drinks, and drinking, and making drinks! Drinks are rad!
First up, the perfect margarita, found at your local Applebee's. Since I've started working at Applebee's I've rediscovered this lovely little gem of a drink. It really actually is the perfect margarita and incorporates everything you could ever want in one. The flavors flow so well together, I'm not sure how I managed to forget about this drink. Too bad I can't have one now.... But anyway if you wanna try it, and don't have an Applebee's nearby, the recipe is as follows: 1 oz 1800 Reposado tequila, .5oz Cointreau and 0.5 ozGrand Marnier, garnish with salted rip, a wedge of like.
Next up, is one of my all time favorite drinks. A classic within its own category. One for the books is say. But the first alcoholic drink I ever had was a vodka red bull. And I LOVED it. It's simple. It's classic, who doesn't love a little vodka and little redbull every now and then?
Next up is another one of the classic drInks I've always loved: Lynchburg lemonade! This stuff is delicious and includes one of my favorite alcohols: jack Daniels! I've tweaked the recipe over the years and here's how I make mine: Lemon lime, 1 1/2 oz Jack Daniel's, 3/4 oz Triple sec, 2 oz Sour mix shake it up, mix it up whatever, and serve it over ice with a lemon wedge to top it off! It's fantastic!
But lately, since my consumption of alcohol has been none. I've been drinking a lot of decaf white mochas from Starbucks. Because sometimes you have to be a little basic. And those are good too. I have a special way I get mine if you'd like to try it(of course try it with the caffeine, I would if I could believe me) anyway the way I order it is: grande white mocha, coconut milk, no whip cream and only one pump(of the white chocolate syrup) the one pump does wonders for the flavor and makes it a little less sweet and a little more coffee like.
Thanks again @missy @rambo and @lyxzen for yet again another great homework topic!