Hey guys! How's your week going so far? It's Star Wars week! Who's excited?!?
Anyway, I know this is out of order and i might be a little late to the party with this topic, but it's only been a week since I become a hopeful! Officially one week today I got an email telling me about how my set was in the que for member review! I was so excited! I still am! So anyway, one of the questions that my friends ask, or people I've met on the site, and the one I'm most curious about other girls as well is, why suicide girls? Let me tell you why I was inspired...
It all started on tumblr, when I was about 15-16, I remember high school was weird for me. I wasn't the most beautiful girl, I was 10 ft tall, blonde, long legs, and a tan, which was what was "in" at the time. I was short, lanky, had different hair colors every week, and spent my days day dreaming about future tattoo designs I wanted on my body. So I never felt like I was beautiful, I never thought I could ever find a place where I could be confident being myself. Until I stumbled upon a reblog on my tumblr feed...
It was a photo of two girls. They were beautiful, not he Barbie doll beautiful that was always being thrown in my face, but beautiful in a way that I could see myself in them. I followed the link and discovered an amazing place. Girls with tattoos, piercings, stretched ears, bright hair just confidently being themselves. I fell in love. Later I'd come to find the first ever portion of a set I saw was that of "Calofornia Vacation" by Radeo and Rambo. Can we just talk about how legendary that set is? It was the first time I saw girls who looked like what I wanted to be, 100% being themselves.
I stalked that tumblr page for hours, and I read up on what suicide girls was, what they stood for, watched countless interviews about them. I just remember finally feeling like I could be one of these girls.
I couldn't wait until I turned 18, so I could submit a set and hopefully by some miracle be accepted into such an amazing community of beautiful people inside and out. But alas I chickened or when I was finally 18. It took me two years to realize I couldn't let my fears hold me back from this. I looked at that tumblr page again, I found the "California Vacation" set again, and I felt the inspiration come flooding back to me. I told my 20 year old self I was going to do this, no matter what.
And flash forward a couple months, here I am. I couldn't have been happier when I finally saw my set was accepted. I was finally a hopeful! It was such an incredible feeling. All thanks to the suicide girls tumblr for showing me there were a dozen girls out there who looked like me, who thought like me, who weren't afraid to break the mold and be different. I finally learned beauty is so much more than just the typical. I finally felt confident being the girl with bright hair, and all the things that set me apart. I wasn't afraid to be different. That's why I chose suicide girls. I had finally found a place to be myself. I can only hope that one day, I get to be that for some girl out there who may not feel beautiful because she looks different. That's why.