It's been a while since I've done some blog homework, but I figured it was time for me start back up again. This is a fun and easy topic so why not! I love drinks, and drinking, and making drinks! Drinks are rad!
First up, the perfect margarita, found at your local Applebee's. Since I've started working at Applebee's I've rediscovered this lovely little gem...
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I'm going to be apart of the local maidens of metal and this is going to my first event with them! Which means if you find yourselves out here in the desert and are into some rad metal music, and super fun carnival activities check come out to the rock! All ages event. If I see you there I'll get you guys a cookie :)
MEEEEEEE! 6am-12pm PST Come hang out with me. Get to know me!
hey guys!
it's that time of year again... well it has been forever now, but as always i'm late. anway, this is i believe last weeks blog homework, but since i don't have a single DIY'ing bone in my body, i felt this could possibly be my best bet. it's sunday night here, i've got no plans, and im home alone wrapping gifts for others......
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