(In Relation to a man and a woman Roamntic.)
Love for me is.....hmmm..
Love is Love
Love is "US"
Love is "WE
Love is "OURS"
Love is "YOU, AND ME"
Love is "ME, AND YOU"
Love is "YOU, AND I"
Love is "I AND,...," hah you get the picture. ;p
For me.....
Love is what you make it. <3
Now when I say "You," I mean, "you two," or however many people, "you," are "In Love with."
This Blogg is going to be about me, and my experiances with love. So if you find some relation with them, and feel joy reading it (Or even love.) ; WOOO!!!
Love is and always has been my favorite feeling in this world. It is like nothing I can describe in the tangeble. When able to express it in the full,escribe i can only dicribe it as all my favorites, but better. Everything that brings me the most plesure, enhanced, multiplyed, added, SUPER SIZED, FantaseyRealized, "TURNT UP," FREAKED OUT, Variatized, Made UP, "MAde" Belive, and Paired with a physical body who almost personafies it. I say almost because neaither can be both but both emphasize eaither because of the fact that both of them exist at that point in time. This piont in time. "The" Point in time. Love for me isnt the time when you first started going out (unless it co-insides with this next point in time). But is The" Sweet Spot." The point in time when both you and your loved one who you are "In Love with" are "In Love." Both are taking care of eachother and making shure that eachother has what they need and want to the extent that at this moment in time all that eaither of you want, or need is eachother, because at that point in time, everything else is everything else, but you and her (him) "Is" what you need,......Love. (To all those loved ones, bless that if you havent felt that you do.) I have and it is as Bill and Ted put it SO Graciously "EXCCELENT!" Now, losing that can be one of the hardest things to go through in life, but this blog is to rekindle your happy thoughts, and maybe even jogg your memory so you too can remember the happy thoughts that you may have forgotten so that even if you have "Lost your marbles," that you remember a happy thought you thought long forgott, and fly. Love
Next week Bro Card 3#: Cleaning Up Dirty Talk! ;)