Oh. My. God. I has a logo...

Isn't it hot!? I know some of the most awesome people...EVAR!
Bend...Holy shit.
In one word.

In short.
It WAS a great show. I have some of the greatest friends ever and a blast was had by ALL
Last night we got to play Trivial Pursuit multiple times. And I did so, lost every time, and still maintained my wits about me. Which, if you know me at all, does NOT happen. I does have too much competitiveness! I was also made aware of the greatest invention, ever. An electrically charged tennis racket! That may not SOUND cool, but trust me...when the house flies and fruit flies are dancing around and it becomes your responsibility to take them out with your handy, dandy, portable bug zapper...INSTANT fun in a racket!
I want one.
Right now.
Happy Saturday to all.
I hope your night is going to be as incredible as ours is

Isn't it hot!? I know some of the most awesome people...EVAR!
Bend...Holy shit.
In one word.

In short.
It WAS a great show. I have some of the greatest friends ever and a blast was had by ALL

Last night we got to play Trivial Pursuit multiple times. And I did so, lost every time, and still maintained my wits about me. Which, if you know me at all, does NOT happen. I does have too much competitiveness! I was also made aware of the greatest invention, ever. An electrically charged tennis racket! That may not SOUND cool, but trust me...when the house flies and fruit flies are dancing around and it becomes your responsibility to take them out with your handy, dandy, portable bug zapper...INSTANT fun in a racket!
I want one.
Right now.
Happy Saturday to all.
I hope your night is going to be as incredible as ours is

And omg, look at your puppy. He's so stylin'!