I really wish I could get another set accepted.
I feel like one of those girls who just pretends that she wants to be a SG, gets one set up, and then you never see hide nor hair of her again.
I'm on a workout rampage.
I've got two weddings to be in this summer as well as two weeks in Mexico (later in the year) and I'll be damned if I don't look my bestest. I'm skinnier than I was in my last bought of sets that all got rejected and even thinner than I was in the set that's on here. I'm still not happy with where I am though. Not because of how I look, but more because of how I feel.
Life is good.
Got a promotion (at the old job) and a very substantial raise.
Spring is COMING!
The sun was blazing yesterday and I got to run around the yard without my socks on (as long as I was very careful to avoid the lingering patches of snow). I've ordered all of my seeds and was ecstatic to find that my bulbs are brave enough to start poking their heads out of the earth.
Oh lord how I LOVE Spring.
I need to take some more pictures.
I've been slacking on that. The most recent shots I grabbed were for FreeTalkLive...an awesome talk show (who I listen to through podcasts which are the epitome of, 'brilliant'). I am a shriner (a female listener) and I sent in a picture. Of course...being an SG and all...I did it naked
And my favorite:
I want to start shooting other stuff again though. I've got a few girlfriends who have said they'd love for me to shoot them. We'll see if they follow through on that.
If not...well I am just going to start taking my camera with me everywhere and shooting everything. I really want to start selling some of my prints and will be putting together a sample of past pieces that I'll be selling, so DO keep an eye out for that.
I am feeling the urge to wax and wane on philosophical shennanigans, but I'll spare you, as it's Sunday and getting late.
I hope this finds you all well.
I've missed so many of you, so.
I really wish I could get another set accepted.
I feel like one of those girls who just pretends that she wants to be a SG, gets one set up, and then you never see hide nor hair of her again.
I'm on a workout rampage.
I've got two weddings to be in this summer as well as two weeks in Mexico (later in the year) and I'll be damned if I don't look my bestest. I'm skinnier than I was in my last bought of sets that all got rejected and even thinner than I was in the set that's on here. I'm still not happy with where I am though. Not because of how I look, but more because of how I feel.
Life is good.
Got a promotion (at the old job) and a very substantial raise.
Spring is COMING!
The sun was blazing yesterday and I got to run around the yard without my socks on (as long as I was very careful to avoid the lingering patches of snow). I've ordered all of my seeds and was ecstatic to find that my bulbs are brave enough to start poking their heads out of the earth.
Oh lord how I LOVE Spring.
I need to take some more pictures.
I've been slacking on that. The most recent shots I grabbed were for FreeTalkLive...an awesome talk show (who I listen to through podcasts which are the epitome of, 'brilliant'). I am a shriner (a female listener) and I sent in a picture. Of course...being an SG and all...I did it naked
And my favorite:
I want to start shooting other stuff again though. I've got a few girlfriends who have said they'd love for me to shoot them. We'll see if they follow through on that.
If not...well I am just going to start taking my camera with me everywhere and shooting everything. I really want to start selling some of my prints and will be putting together a sample of past pieces that I'll be selling, so DO keep an eye out for that.
I am feeling the urge to wax and wane on philosophical shennanigans, but I'll spare you, as it's Sunday and getting late.
I hope this finds you all well.
I've missed so many of you, so.
Much love gorgeous xox
I never got pics like that sent in way back in '82-3when I was a radio DJ.
Congrats on the promotion & raise.
I asked for a raise and they gave me a stepstool.