So sorry I've been gone so long...
I've had some things that kind of made me stray from SG (and no it's not the usual, petty, bullshit).
A lot has changed in my absence (not that many of you noticed I was gone).
My mom has been diagnosed with cancer and we're battling that.
My brother shattered his hand and has 2 - 3 re-constructive surgeries to fix.
The job that I love, has turned into nothing more than cold calling and selling myself on the street...and I get paid half what I should, especially since it requires that I sell out. I'm in the process of looking for another.
The 'in-laws' continue to become worse and worse, and as of today, they'll be moving into the same city, within the month.
We plan on moving to New Hampshire (and yes that IS on the other side of the continent, thank god) within the next year and a half, maybe two and are working out the logistics of that.
I have been battling a plague of ovarian cysts. This is the 6th month where I have continually bled. I've been to the doctor five times and they continue to tell me that it'll, 'work itself out'.
I had a friend who I've known since second grade write me a five page long letter about how I am manipulative and selfish and that she has no room for me in her heart anymore.
I had a roommate move out (after he disrespected the house I work my ass off to keep) and steal a shit load of stuff on the way out and stiff me over $500. Let's just say that January's mortgage was a tough one to meet.
So...all in all...things are just 'peachy' in this neck of the woods.
How about yours?
I am planning on coming back more.
I need the camaraderie and entertainment, if nothing else.
I'd like to shoot more...but after six rejected sets, I don't know that I feel I'll ever get another one let in.
Anyway...I don't mean to be Debbie Downer...I just had a couple of people notice I hadn't been on in FOREVER and thought I'd send a bit of light on it for ya
All my loves.
I've had some things that kind of made me stray from SG (and no it's not the usual, petty, bullshit).
A lot has changed in my absence (not that many of you noticed I was gone).
My mom has been diagnosed with cancer and we're battling that.
My brother shattered his hand and has 2 - 3 re-constructive surgeries to fix.
The job that I love, has turned into nothing more than cold calling and selling myself on the street...and I get paid half what I should, especially since it requires that I sell out. I'm in the process of looking for another.
The 'in-laws' continue to become worse and worse, and as of today, they'll be moving into the same city, within the month.
We plan on moving to New Hampshire (and yes that IS on the other side of the continent, thank god) within the next year and a half, maybe two and are working out the logistics of that.
I have been battling a plague of ovarian cysts. This is the 6th month where I have continually bled. I've been to the doctor five times and they continue to tell me that it'll, 'work itself out'.
I had a friend who I've known since second grade write me a five page long letter about how I am manipulative and selfish and that she has no room for me in her heart anymore.
I had a roommate move out (after he disrespected the house I work my ass off to keep) and steal a shit load of stuff on the way out and stiff me over $500. Let's just say that January's mortgage was a tough one to meet.
So...all in all...things are just 'peachy' in this neck of the woods.
How about yours?
I am planning on coming back more.
I need the camaraderie and entertainment, if nothing else.
I'd like to shoot more...but after six rejected sets, I don't know that I feel I'll ever get another one let in.
Anyway...I don't mean to be Debbie Downer...I just had a couple of people notice I hadn't been on in FOREVER and thought I'd send a bit of light on it for ya

All my loves.
Jeezy Creezy lady, you have been through some serious shit lately haven't you. I have been wondering/worrying about you alot the last month, and now I know why you've been so absent. I'm sorry things have been so hard for you. I wish you the best and I hope things get better for you soon.

Cripes thats a lot more than any one person should have to deal with all at once. I hope things are getting at least a little better.