Okay kids...
Finally, the pictures are worth a thousand words, but I'll spare you and try to sum it up in a few less than that

This picture has several meanings for me.
On the outside things look clear, defined...decipherable.
Inside they are all mixed up...harder to explain clearly and precisely.
Even through all that it's still sunny and the world still goes 'round

I think both of these are beautiful...yes, the second one has lost color, it's lost the sparkle, it's lost the freshness...and still it is beautiful, maybe even more so. Age...it gives us so much. Knowledge, wisdom, appreciation.

When I look at this picture, all I see is this couple who is so immersed in themselves and their love, that there is nothing else. They were walking and saw a pile of hay and jumped into it to take a moment to enjoy one another. The are happy. SO happy right down to the core of their beings. This is how I feel about love. About my love

I am breaking out of this...but it's how I feel. With life going a million miles an hour and schedules being so opposite, I find myself huddled up in bed alone. It's beautiful though. It has it's place and I know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. This is that light shining on me as we reach the end

Beauty in a box.
If you keep it there for too long...it loses it's color.
Don't contain yourself. Don't let society box you into a category. Don't let the sun (whatever it may be for your) be out of reach and force you to starve to death.
I have to remind myself of that. We live for ourselves. Never compromise that.

I am silencing myself.
I try to be the perfect girlfriend. I try to be the perfect daughter. I try to be the perfect friend. I try to be the perfect in-law.
However...sometimes my words get in the way. I need to know when to just shut up.
Know when to stay silent instead.

Children. They are so easily amused (which I am too).
That laugh at everything. They love unconditionally. They notice the small things. They reach out and give freely. We could all learn a lot from them. I strive every day to be more like this.

If you want something bad enough you can do it.
Put in enough effort you can move mountains.
Think hard enough and can bring it to you

I have no idea what my future holds...what's on the other side of the window. It could be dark...it could be scary...it could be ugly...it could be perfect...it could be beautiful...
I am nervous...but I am not afraid.
I have support behind me and together we'll forge ahead

From rotten, fetid fish....from decomposed leaves of yester-spring...from darkness...from pain...from anguish...from secrets...from cold...from betrayal...from frustration...from deceit...
Beauty springs forth.
My life is beautiful now. Gorgeous.
Just like this flower.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I hope it's filling, happy and safe! XOXOX Dia
Finally, the pictures are worth a thousand words, but I'll spare you and try to sum it up in a few less than that

This picture has several meanings for me.
On the outside things look clear, defined...decipherable.
Inside they are all mixed up...harder to explain clearly and precisely.
Even through all that it's still sunny and the world still goes 'round

I think both of these are beautiful...yes, the second one has lost color, it's lost the sparkle, it's lost the freshness...and still it is beautiful, maybe even more so. Age...it gives us so much. Knowledge, wisdom, appreciation.

When I look at this picture, all I see is this couple who is so immersed in themselves and their love, that there is nothing else. They were walking and saw a pile of hay and jumped into it to take a moment to enjoy one another. The are happy. SO happy right down to the core of their beings. This is how I feel about love. About my love

I am breaking out of this...but it's how I feel. With life going a million miles an hour and schedules being so opposite, I find myself huddled up in bed alone. It's beautiful though. It has it's place and I know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. This is that light shining on me as we reach the end

Beauty in a box.
If you keep it there for too long...it loses it's color.
Don't contain yourself. Don't let society box you into a category. Don't let the sun (whatever it may be for your) be out of reach and force you to starve to death.
I have to remind myself of that. We live for ourselves. Never compromise that.

I am silencing myself.
I try to be the perfect girlfriend. I try to be the perfect daughter. I try to be the perfect friend. I try to be the perfect in-law.
However...sometimes my words get in the way. I need to know when to just shut up.
Know when to stay silent instead.

Children. They are so easily amused (which I am too).
That laugh at everything. They love unconditionally. They notice the small things. They reach out and give freely. We could all learn a lot from them. I strive every day to be more like this.

If you want something bad enough you can do it.
Put in enough effort you can move mountains.
Think hard enough and can bring it to you

I have no idea what my future holds...what's on the other side of the window. It could be dark...it could be scary...it could be ugly...it could be perfect...it could be beautiful...
I am nervous...but I am not afraid.
I have support behind me and together we'll forge ahead

From rotten, fetid fish....from decomposed leaves of yester-spring...from darkness...from pain...from anguish...from secrets...from cold...from betrayal...from frustration...from deceit...
Beauty springs forth.
My life is beautiful now. Gorgeous.
Just like this flower.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I hope it's filling, happy and safe! XOXOX Dia
that top one is insane.
Hey luv. We haven't heard from you in awhile, so I do hope that everything is going alright *hugs*