Just when I think it's all getting better...I'd take problems with in-laws ANY DAY over THIS!
As some of you know...we went camping this weekend.
Rock was supposed to be hunting for four days and I was supposed to be unwinding in the woods with my children.
However...that was not the case.
I awoke from a Saturday afternoon nap, with a severe start. Once I got my bearings straight, I realized that it was Trinity yelping out in the woods. I immediately ran to her, beating through bushes and crawling under low branches to get to her side. I carried her out the same way I went in and started an arduous search for Pinscher.
It is, of course, at this time that our radios go dead and I have no contact with Rock. The phones, which we can usually text to one another on, also are not working correctly.
I sat there and cried with her in my arms, for a solid hour. Everytime I tried to leave her to go to the stand, she'd get up and start screaming again.
It was more than I could bear.
We nursed her through the night on Saturday.
Knowing full well it was the last day of the trip, and not knowing her diagnosis, there was a somber air to the camp sight.
Her and I slept, curled up in one another all night...as all of the stress of the event's had caused me to become physically ill myself...as our Daddy bear laid outside, on the cold, hard ground, letting his two girls have comfort.
We got home and nursed her all weekend.
Keeping her as high as we could, with over the counter pain meds and carrying her up and down the stairs...we prayed for the best.
She went in to see Dr. Luce today.
Our prayers have gone unanswered.
She dislocated her hip, and in the midst of that, broke a part of the bone of the socket while she was at it. For those of you that do not know, she has extremely bad hip dysplasia as it is and her outcome is bleak.
As she was apprehensive about being there, they sedated her and reset her hip. They don't think it'll stick, but there is a slight chance that in two weeks plus, after having no mobility and keeping it bandaged up to her body, that the hip will stay in its socket.
In the meantime, her other hip is so weak itself, that they worry she'll do the same thing to that side. She's in more pain than I've ever seen her in and she can hardly even keep her eyes open, as she is so drugged up...and all the while, she still paws at you and licks you non-stop.
After a lot of gazes down a very gloomy barrell, Rock and I have decided that we will take her in to be put down, at the next possible juncture. She is in too much pain, not going to likely recover, and we are just not able to be here for the care she needs right now.
We are both a mess.
This is Rock's everything...He nursed her back to health as she almost died from parvo, she walked by his side as he went through a painful divorce and she's his first dog, to boot. Needless to say...it's not going to be an easy separation for any of us.
Pinscher is going to miss her so much.
God...I cannot stop crying.
It's not fair.
She is the sweetest, most good natured animal I have ever met and she's only going to live to see five. That's only 35...even in dog years.
So, please send us your kind thoughts and be thinking fondly of Trinity at about 1:15 tomorrow.
I love you baby...with ALL of my heart and we love you SO much.
As some of you know...we went camping this weekend.
Rock was supposed to be hunting for four days and I was supposed to be unwinding in the woods with my children.
However...that was not the case.
I awoke from a Saturday afternoon nap, with a severe start. Once I got my bearings straight, I realized that it was Trinity yelping out in the woods. I immediately ran to her, beating through bushes and crawling under low branches to get to her side. I carried her out the same way I went in and started an arduous search for Pinscher.
It is, of course, at this time that our radios go dead and I have no contact with Rock. The phones, which we can usually text to one another on, also are not working correctly.
I sat there and cried with her in my arms, for a solid hour. Everytime I tried to leave her to go to the stand, she'd get up and start screaming again.
It was more than I could bear.
We nursed her through the night on Saturday.
Knowing full well it was the last day of the trip, and not knowing her diagnosis, there was a somber air to the camp sight.
Her and I slept, curled up in one another all night...as all of the stress of the event's had caused me to become physically ill myself...as our Daddy bear laid outside, on the cold, hard ground, letting his two girls have comfort.
We got home and nursed her all weekend.
Keeping her as high as we could, with over the counter pain meds and carrying her up and down the stairs...we prayed for the best.
She went in to see Dr. Luce today.
Our prayers have gone unanswered.
She dislocated her hip, and in the midst of that, broke a part of the bone of the socket while she was at it. For those of you that do not know, she has extremely bad hip dysplasia as it is and her outcome is bleak.
As she was apprehensive about being there, they sedated her and reset her hip. They don't think it'll stick, but there is a slight chance that in two weeks plus, after having no mobility and keeping it bandaged up to her body, that the hip will stay in its socket.
In the meantime, her other hip is so weak itself, that they worry she'll do the same thing to that side. She's in more pain than I've ever seen her in and she can hardly even keep her eyes open, as she is so drugged up...and all the while, she still paws at you and licks you non-stop.
After a lot of gazes down a very gloomy barrell, Rock and I have decided that we will take her in to be put down, at the next possible juncture. She is in too much pain, not going to likely recover, and we are just not able to be here for the care she needs right now.
We are both a mess.
This is Rock's everything...He nursed her back to health as she almost died from parvo, she walked by his side as he went through a painful divorce and she's his first dog, to boot. Needless to say...it's not going to be an easy separation for any of us.
Pinscher is going to miss her so much.
God...I cannot stop crying.
It's not fair.
She is the sweetest, most good natured animal I have ever met and she's only going to live to see five. That's only 35...even in dog years.
So, please send us your kind thoughts and be thinking fondly of Trinity at about 1:15 tomorrow.
I love you baby...with ALL of my heart and we love you SO much.

I haven't had to put anyone down in awhile, but my friend just lost his cat to a car, and that doesn't make it any easier. Sigh...us humans just mess so many things up!