My first day of school went smooth, I got a little dizzy from all the pretty ladies.
But there so Loretta young silks-"Seen a vision of perfect grace, airbrushed and lifeless all contact and after taste" Just like high school.
I'm stoked on my classes I only have 1 final, my two other instructors just grade you on quizes and assignments.
Heres a picture of me and the fucker
who snaked the previous picture of me. We've been friends for 21 years now.
and a picture of a Great Blue Heron from my recent kayak and canoe trips.
It's nice to be able to live in the city and still see things like this.

I'm stoked on my classes I only have 1 final, my two other instructors just grade you on quizes and assignments.

Heres a picture of me and the fucker

and a picture of a Great Blue Heron from my recent kayak and canoe trips.
It's nice to be able to live in the city and still see things like this.

I like that lyric, whats it from?
Those pictures are really good!
I've been listening to the sneaker pimps alot, the Bloodsport album.
It was nice seeing an anime movie on the big screen but the theater was pretty out dated so the sound sucked and the picture wasn't as sharp as it should have been but oh well.
I've only heard stories from people but at the end of a fox hunt when they do corner the fox don't they just let the dogs rip the fox to pieces? please tell me that isn't so
That's cool that you attended a hunt to sabatoge the event, what did you guys do to disrupt it?
Sneaker Pimps, cool. I used to really like them, but cant say Ive listened to them for years.
I wont go into it in detail, but there's stuff you can spray to cover the scents so it confuses the dogs. And blowing horns as well. Stuff like that, just things that disorientate the dogs and generally mess things up. And lots of running around chasing the hunt! exhausting stuff, but I only went the once.
Am glad school went well and you werent too distracted by the ladies.