So, i'm ill. Crushed my chest climbing through a window, then drank so much i felt wrong, followed by somehow contracting the flu. Oh and my neck is so stiff i might have mengentis.
The last bit is the most annoying as I am a head nodder by birth. Listening to the Deep Throat Pt.II soundtrack (don't beleve the hype on the first one .. the groove is on Pt.II) the pain is intense. Taken me 4 years to track it down (its just been reissued for all you kids
) and its been on repeat. Also on the turntable is a crew who a friend of mine was talking up a while ago (he went to school with them I think). Dirty Diggers, really nice UK hip-hop "thats why" is the big tune 'we drink jars till we drink the bar dry, put pen to the page and stare at the stars in the sky".
Website I like,, hit up one of their raves in London, Bitshifter made it from New York, him and Logic Bomb ripped up the dual gameboys. Atari action should show the breakbeat producers that you don't need X thousand quid's worth of gear to make raw dancefloor music. Chip music is rolling into the squats, fits the grotty hectic urban aesthetic perfectly.
Girls .. blah, relationships should enhance your life, so why do I put myself through the mill for one? Don't answer that, I know why, I'm a lonely romantic, nothing can come easy. Still it's worked out ok I think. I'm happy and stable and now talking in tounges, twist it out!
The last bit is the most annoying as I am a head nodder by birth. Listening to the Deep Throat Pt.II soundtrack (don't beleve the hype on the first one .. the groove is on Pt.II) the pain is intense. Taken me 4 years to track it down (its just been reissued for all you kids

Website I like,, hit up one of their raves in London, Bitshifter made it from New York, him and Logic Bomb ripped up the dual gameboys. Atari action should show the breakbeat producers that you don't need X thousand quid's worth of gear to make raw dancefloor music. Chip music is rolling into the squats, fits the grotty hectic urban aesthetic perfectly.
Girls .. blah, relationships should enhance your life, so why do I put myself through the mill for one? Don't answer that, I know why, I'm a lonely romantic, nothing can come easy. Still it's worked out ok I think. I'm happy and stable and now talking in tounges, twist it out!