I'm back by the sea, should be working, instead im playing Virtua Fighter 4 Evo, smoking joints and chopping beats (badly). Books tommorow, beats today.
MPC 1000's rock my world (USB hurray at last no shite SCSI), why do they have to be so bloody expensive, anyone who wants to donate one to me can have 2 CD's worth of drum hits/rhodes n moog stabs/flute loops/horn riffs from some of the rarest records in the world. It would take you forever to find this stuff. Charly Antonli/Arena/ZACARRO/Klaus Doldinger/Eddie Warner/
Bernard Estardy/Okay Temiz/Eclipse/Kandahar/Placebo and many more. All for $800 worth of MPC
MPC 1000's rock my world (USB hurray at last no shite SCSI), why do they have to be so bloody expensive, anyone who wants to donate one to me can have 2 CD's worth of drum hits/rhodes n moog stabs/flute loops/horn riffs from some of the rarest records in the world. It would take you forever to find this stuff. Charly Antonli/Arena/ZACARRO/Klaus Doldinger/Eddie Warner/
Bernard Estardy/Okay Temiz/Eclipse/Kandahar/Placebo and many more. All for $800 worth of MPC