Winter is coming. The wood is in Thank God . Thiis is the first time in six years of living here that I just might be all set with the wood . I am remodeling the sunroom. Been cutting out windows and replacing others. The roof is trashed so that is coming next. My UNH roommate from days past called me tonight, we generally only talk once a year about the Sox. Six of us are going to the U-Mass game on the 4th. Then off to Portsmouth to stay a friends house or in a hotel nothing solid yet. The boys will be back in town. I`m not editting the missed letters is it me or is it ADELPHIA you make the call. My old roomy Alan was off today to check out a new restaurant he is interested in purchasing in NY. Is`nt it funny I majored in Hotel Restaurant and he majored in Calculus. He owns two now out in the Sturbridge area, one is actually in a Norman Rockwell painting, how cool is that. I so want to go back to Food! Some of my friends are from the north shore, they are a little different. But they are mature.
Awww....thank you! 

rock the boat....