i was home Monday puking up all of what was inside of me... down to intestine juice. Couldn't move Tuesday so i stayed in bed. dragged myself to school Wednesday even though i felt like i was decaying slowly. today i feel better, Still sick mind you, but decaying more slowly.
today starts hell week
#1 it snowed last night, frigging Minnesotans get freaked out by snow or it makes their cars so heavy they cant go faster than10 mph
#2 its 5:30 am after school i have to work until 9 pm or so tomorrow and saturday 11am - 10 pm then 7:30 - 6:30 on Sunday. hopefully I'll get Mon and Tuesday off again.

i was home Monday puking up all of what was inside of me... down to intestine juice. Couldn't move Tuesday so i stayed in bed. dragged myself to school Wednesday even though i felt like i was decaying slowly. today i feel better, Still sick mind you, but decaying more slowly.
today starts hell week
#1 it snowed last night, frigging Minnesotans get freaked out by snow or it makes their cars so heavy they cant go faster than10 mph
#2 its 5:30 am after school i have to work until 9 pm or so tomorrow and saturday 11am - 10 pm then 7:30 - 6:30 on Sunday. hopefully I'll get Mon and Tuesday off again.