i feel as if i am a man without a country...
i will esplain...
we moved into this house just over a year ago. when i moved up from Florida i brought with me all of my things and a sister and all of her things. she lived in my basement. she moved out last weekend and we moved the TV from the upstairs to the downstairs and i have no TV in my living room. so as i sit here and pop my pop corn i have no TV to watch. I gaze upon a blank wall where my entertainment used to be...
man am i bored.,
i will esplain...
we moved into this house just over a year ago. when i moved up from Florida i brought with me all of my things and a sister and all of her things. she lived in my basement. she moved out last weekend and we moved the TV from the upstairs to the downstairs and i have no TV in my living room. so as i sit here and pop my pop corn i have no TV to watch. I gaze upon a blank wall where my entertainment used to be...
man am i bored.,
Oh cmon, all u gotta do is bring the tv BACK upstairs!! Whyd u even bring it down there anyways if u werent gonna go down there to use it? Im so confused. I have 2 tvs in my living room right now because one broke, and I pulled out the spare, thern we got the nice one fixed, but the spare is too heavy to move. lol.