mom isnt doing a poorly as i had imagined, not to say she is doing well. my father wouldn't even answer the door, his health has also been depreciating. I haven't seen him in 30 years or more. after talking w/ mom and her sister (who is taking care of her) if she beats this cancer thing it will be a miracle. she has basically...
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my Travian account got banned for some dumbass reason. my mom is out of the hospital, so i dont qualify for emergency discounts any longer, so the tickets re like $1200. So i plan on driving to Detroit Monday night after work, and driving back so that i can make work on Friday, its a 10 hour drive ( 9 if you account for time...
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My aunt took my mom to the ER last night. they admitted her after taking a chest X-Ray. What they thought was a pneumonia in her lung, was the cancer. She is supposed to come visit for the 4th, i hope they can make it.
oh, man, sorry to hear this.
shoobee doo bee dooo

work sux 50 + hours and nothing too show for it except a pissed off wife. my 30 mile commute is sucking the life out of my bank account. my saturn, gets 36+mpg and only has a 10 gal tank. but all i can think of is that i would not have to spend the $40 a week and could be...
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minor and major things in my life right now.

Saw Prince Caspian (however you spell it) it wasn't what i was expecting and it turned out OK. today is my 2nd Anniversary. My wife got me some Cigars, and i have yet to find anything for her. I am a typical husband. My mom's Oncologist convinced her to take Chemo, and that is going well.....
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Did u see the movie with your kids or are u just a kid at heart? Im sorry to hear abt your mom having to go thru chemo .. I have had a close family member go thru that for yrs, and its hell on YOU and your loved one. But sometimes it can save your life, so try to think on the bright side.

Hopefully your wifes gram lived a long life that she was happy abt, and of course I hope she died in peace.
Uhm, your post in my blog a few blogs back confused the holy hell out of me!! U said I looked like "prince caspian"??? UH, isnt he a DUDE!? LOL!
they found some spots on my moms lung,she only has one lung. se is too weak to survive another surgery right now. apparently this is some really agressive cancer too. i wish i could do somthing. frown
Why yes, actually .. you *were* the first to wish me a happy mothers day! Can u believe my kid FORGOT?! lol! I know, I know.. Im so loved.

Damn, 91?? I was raised by my grandmother, so she's like my mom. She's only 78 and ready to "give up", I want her to be like 90 something, I thought it was entirely possible!
Thanks for the well wishes on my bday smile
been having issues lately, with my temper. just have had a short temper for a few weeks. things just been setting me off lately.

maybe my sugar is out of whack.
U guys were friends in real life?

I dont know which of your "girls" u posted in my journal but she sure was CUTE!! Im assuming a pitbull terrier? (it was a blk and white dog if u dont remember)
i thought this was funny
but i may be a facsist biggot for thinking it...
i'm still fat.. mom's feeling better despite intestine surgery and needing to have a cancerous kidney removed. i feel like shit... a child gave me their cold. i have more snott than my skull knows where to shove it. its cold in Minnesota... who'd a thunk it?
despite all that, i hope you have some happy holidaze!
suppose things could be worse, i'm pulling for better.

my moms in the hospital in texas... 1500+ miles away. my sugar cant make up its mind, i gained some weight, my arm hurts too.