Favorite things you like about spring?
Spring isn’t my favorite season but, I love to see flowers bloom specially jacaranda , rainy days and wear spring sexy dresses 😍
2. Who's going on vacation, holiday or weekend getaways this spring?
I’m not going out this time but I’m gonna spend the time doing shootings
3. 3 Outdoor activities you enjoy in the spring?
I enjoy biking on the mountains, of course camping 🏕 and hiking!
4. Something you enjoy doing in the upcoming month of May?
5. Coffee or Tea
6. A new 2023 song your enjoying?
Ufff I love music so choosing one song is difficult but I would say: Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth- Hospital Gown and Apeshit- T.s.o.a.f
7. Anyone going to a concert this spring?
Yes, lamb of god in may and snarky puppy in june
8. Do you use sunscreen?
Always, I don’t go out without it!
9. Anyone sunburned this spring?
Yes I got sunburned so bad because I was shooting a comercial at a tennis court even with tons of sunscreen u.u
10. Do you do spring cleaning?
11. Favorite new movie or movies in the new year?
I would love to see the new Mario movie
12. A spring time smell you enjoy?
13. How did you spend your Easter this spring.
Doing homework 📚🤓
14. Question for the stoner's, how did you spend your 4/20 day?
Spent my 420 day with 2 friends, having big joints and good food
15. 3 of your favorite hobbies?
Workout, listen to music and reading
16. Favorite beach?
Las Cabos, Baja California
17. Tell us something we don't know about you?
That my life is kind of boring 😋but I love it, I enjoy the simple things.
18. Question for the models! Tell us something about your next set. Question for the members favorite type of set examples cosplay outdoor multi?
My next set is inspired on Agatha Christie’s poison book, it reflects my love for reading also how I like to be comfy in bed with my bear 🧸Shot by @dektol
19. Who's in love and who's looking for love in the new year?
I'm actually breaking up with my boyfriend…
20. Ask a question or add something to my questionnaire.
What’s your favorite beverage for the spring time?
I love margaritas and lemonade
@penny @missy