Hi Oi, Hola, Salut, and Здравствуй once again, most AMAZING followers, members, Hopefuls, and Suicide Girls! I’ve been wanting to blog for quite a while now, but the proper blend of time, energy, and desire haven’t manifested. Thanks to @diddy_dave_uk for mentioning me in this survey in October, yes, October. I’ve been REALLY busy.
1💟 What song have you been listening to on repeat lately?
Yes: I want a highly detailed Goth butterfly tattoo planned out in my mind; I’m still undecided as to where to put it. It’s okay though, I have some time to think on it; the coronavirus is still raging in the U.S., and I’m still struggling with the risk of skin infections.
3💟What’s your Hogwarts house?
If the sorting hat was placed on my head, it would probably say, “Hmmm...noble goals...fierce ambition, too...and a survivor of some terrible things...but there is a strong attraction to the dark magicks here; she needs to learn to control it. Better be...SLYTHERIN!” 💚🖤
4💟Describe your ideal home.
A small space just large enough to allow me to support my creative projects and occasionally to have friends over, but not so large that it requires lots of time to maintain, like the large studio apartment I have now. 🙂
5💟What’s the last meme you saved to your phone? Hmmm.. I don’t do that very often; the closest thing to a meme I saved recently was this photo of my fave Doom Metal Drummer wearing a Led Zeppelin t-shirt with a catchy slogan.
6💟What’s your regular coffee order? I don’t drink coffee at all anymore, but I used to love mocha Frappuccinos.
7💟If you could have one superpower, what would it be? To be a mirror to those who look at me so that they can see the greatest potential of what they can become and recognize it in every moment. This is the inherent ability of the avatar of Aphrodite when she manifests in physical form. As the Goddess of Beauty and Love, she is, in fact, the most powerful and most humble of the anthropomorphic deities described by the Ancient Greeks, and as a result, also one of the most misunderstood. Her symbol of the mirror was totally misinterpreted. Over the course of time, she was worshipped as a goddess of lust and vanity and was depicted in many negative ways in mythology. I’ll be setting all that right in a future novella, likely in 2022.
8💟What musical genres do you like the most? I listen to a wide array of music, but my favorites still tend to be variations of Rock: classic Rock, Hard Rock, classic Metal, Prog Metal, and Doom Metal. I enjoy Pop Rock on occasion, too, like the Beatles and the above mentioned Miley Cyrus.
9💟What do you look for in a partner? Good question. There really isn’t any time or room in my life for romance at this point, and quite frankly, or francinely, if you prefer, I don’t know if there ever will be again. Romance has become as much of a fantasy to me now as the photo sets we see and create for SG: beautiful and enticing, but as ephemeral as a gossamer lace butterfly in a hurricane. I’m not saying I am not open to loving again, but he or she would have to meet expectations so high that I doubt such a person even exists. He or she would have to be brilliantly intelligent, adventurous, physically fit as much as is possible for them, (pardon my vernacular) be Goth as f*ck, have an unstoppable sense of humor, have an unflappable sense of self-confidence, be musically or artistically inclined, and most importantly, be so spiritual that it would cause everyone except those who know what hides beyond the darkness to run away in terror.
10💟If you could time travel to any time period, what would it be? England in 1818 so I could could meet and get to know my muse, Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus.
I won’t be tagging anyone in this quiz this time as it’s been out for a while, so I’m sure most of those I would tag have already taken it, I just haven’t had time to read their responses.
I have an ENORMOUS amount of work to do in the coming year that it’s likely I may disappear for weeks at a time; but know that I miss these fun times that we share here in the safe, fun space of the SG community. Happy holidays!
- - Dhyani