Hi Oi, Hola, Salut, and Здравствуй Everyone!
Thank you once again for your patience while I have been bringing my my heart and mind back into balance after the death of my girlfriend on the 12th of July. I will blog separately on this topic as it is not something that everyone will want to read.
Thanks to the lovely and wonderful @Chroi and @Lillynoize for nominating me for this questionnaire; I am humbled that you wish to read my responses on this one, as the phrasing of several of the questions seem to be directly aimed at SGs and Hopefuls specifically. 🥰
1) Introduce yourself: Hi! So, here in the SG world you know me as Dhyani; my friends usually call me Rae or Alli. My mother wanted to call me Alysha and my father wanted to call me Andrea, so I have a compromise name: Alysha Rae. I am an extremely creative person: I write novels, short stories, and poetry, most of which are in the horror and science fiction genres. My work tends to be pretty deep and/or complex, for all that I try not to write anything super long. I’m also a musician, as some of you may have noticed. I play the guitar, in addition to a little bass, drums and keyboards...and a bit of Native American flute. I have a virtual band in the works, and I hope to share some of our songs with you by the end of the year. I think of myself as a Goth Rocker Chick in that regard; but I’m not limited to a single genre of music, as you will see (although it’s highly unlikely you’ll ever hear anything that sounds like Country or Rap coming from my direction). I’m a bit of an artist, too. Here’s a couple examples of my work from the past:
2) Now that we've met, tell us about one hobby that really interests you:
😏Well, the activities listed above take up enough of my time, and since I am reaching a point where my writing and music will both be available to the public at large for money and for free, and since I’ve sold my art in the past, art, music and writing are actually second jobs for me at this point. I look forward to leaving my day job within 5 years to write most of the time. So, the only real hobby I have is something that I started doing in October 2018: making mini-sets for SG. I’m not at a point where I would consider submitting a set to become a Hopeful, but I love the freedom of expression that comes through creating images that come from the depiction of one’s own body in the photographic medium. For those that wonder why models obsess about their weight - try doing a photo shoot yourself. It’s easy to think of oneself as in good shape with your clothes on, but when the lens is pointed your way and nothing is between your baby-soft skin and the unforgiving camera eye except air, you’ll realize just how the clothes we wear hide a multitude of sins, and you’ll appreciate the astounding beauty of the models here even more, especially those who submit sets that are not photoshopped in any way. I will be posting a new mini-set just after posting this fun questionnaire. On that note, making mini-sets points out an aspect of my personality that my family never knew because I didn’t find out until I went away to university: I am a naughty girl. I’ve been surprised how so many of the models here are still shy and insecure; every day I find myself gaining greater confidence in my feminine power, and it’s not rooted in my physical body.
3) Switching topics; Space travel or time travel? 😄Hmmm...well, to be as brief as possible, my perspective on space and time is a bit different from that of most people. Mathematically speaking, physicists tend to refer to space and time as one thing: space-time. If you think about the capitalist mantra, “time is money,” that means we live in ‘space-money.’ 🤣If I limited myself to the perspective of this four-dimensional universe, I would have to say both: give me a Tardis, and I’ll give the good Doctor a run for his money. However, my view is this: space and time are both illusions, as are matter and energy. To quote a line from The Matrix: “There is no spoon.” Really.
4) You're obviously making men/women swoon everywhere you go, but tell us what your true power is to winning over a lover (or fans)? 😄Is that what they’re doing? It always seems to me that they’re running for the exit. In all seriousness, in my experience, I’ve found that people of all genders tend to be intimidated by me, almost to the point of fear. When I was young I didn’t understand this, and it still happens, but I’ve learned a little secret: 1. Be yourself, and LOVE yourself, in every sense of the word, especially the highest ones. That simple action is more empowering than many people can imagine. 2. Share that Love with everyone around you, starting with your very best smile. This world may lack spoons, but it is constantly full of anger, hatred, fear, and pain. A smile, a hug, and positive thoughts and words all go a long way. Think of Earth as “boomerang world:” you get what you give. Give Love, and you will receive the same (some will hate you for doing so, but even they will eventually come around, although you may not get to witness it).
5) What turns you on about your current partner or would flip the love switch on if you were looking? Let’s define “partner” first as “romantic partner.” All my life I have preferred the company of women, but only recently I realized that I’m more comfortable with men than I used to be, and have dated both. I have also walked the path of long-term commitment - for 25 years, and I am glad that road is behind me and not ahead. I am comfortable with romantic interludes, but I’ve reached a point in my growth as a person that I cannot limit myself to the limited model of monogamy propagated by religions and government. That being said, the things that flip on the “romance switch” for me are both subtle and overt. When I am attracted to a woman, it usually starts with me noticing how she presents herself: an amazing outfit, awesome shoes, super cool hair. However, it can happen unexpectedly; I recently met a girl that caught my attention by wearing just the right perfume that made her smell just a beautiful as she looked. After that, a woman’s intelligence, ethics, strength of character and will, and her capacity for Love in all of its manifestations will be what I will be observing. Does it sound like I have extreme expectations? Not at all; I meet women like this all the time, and there are many like them here on SG. My expectations for a man are similar, but even more exacting. He must be well-groomed, a gentleman, intelligent, physically at least as strong as me, and know exactly where he’s going in his life. Like his female counterpart, he needs to have a strength of character and will that are extraordinary, and an ethical nature that is incapable of compromise, and he has a heart as big as the ocean. Common interests are helpful for both of the primary genders, but not required. I had a crush on a red-headed nurse years ago, and I still have no interest in entering the medical field.
6) So, are you looking for a partner? So, since we’re talking about romantic partners and not a life partner, this is an easy question. Yes and no. I’m not actively looking, but I’ve learned from the past that when you aren’t looking for someone, it just may be that the universe is bringing your next encounter to you. We’ll see! ❤️
7) We're going to go Salt-N-Pepa here, so let's talk about sex, baby. Are you a wild child or more traditionally romantic? 😇😈😁Another easy one: it depends on the partner. With some people, I’m as soft and gentle like a kitten. However, certain people bring out the tigress in me, and for those encounters there will be biting, scratching and very... vigorous activity. I am, in BDSM terms (not that BDSM can be equated with sexuality, but they are related), a switch. I have yet to meet someone who has naturally caused me to be both.
8) Tacos or pizza? I LOVE pizza, but sadly, I can no longer eat it due to dietary restrictions and food allergies. So, to quote Gir from Invader Zim:
9) Beer or wine? I rarely drink alcohol, but when I do, it’s usually wine, often white Zinfandel. I had a glass of a sweeter dark red wine the night after my girlfriend passed; I’m not sure exactly what it was. The men I was listening to thought they were being funny by simply stating that the wine was red. Part of the conversation was in German, and when I pointed out that there were many types of rotwein, I was automatically provided with a full glass. The wine was better than their conversation (I hate politics).
10) Breakfast for dinner or dinner for breakfast? I would have to reference my past dietary freedom to truly answer this question; my meager breakfast now would make a poor dinner, and my usual dinner would be bizarre for breakfast. I can’t eat eggs, pancakes, doughnuts, bacon and other breakfast fare due to the limitations placed on my diet for health reasons. Let’s just say I’ll try to accommodate the desires of whomever I’m dining with; otherwise, I really don’t care anymore.
11) Sex playlist: I’m usually too into my partner to notice what’s on the stereo. I once had a girl try to seduce me to Dream Theater’s “Stream of Consciousness,” though. She was smart...but sadly, also more than a little bit mentally unbalanced.
12) Slow dance or twerk? LOL, 😄Somehow I just can’t see myself ever trying to twerk; however, rather than slow dancing, I prefer exotic dancing - think burlesque. I’m thinking about you, @persephonepitstop. 🤗
13) How often do you find yourself smiling each day? I begin every day with 2 goals: 1. Be Beautiful. 2. Be a channel for the Infinite Love that enlivens my existence. So, I’m smiling all the time. If you look closely at my face, you’ll see that I have prominent “smile lines,” and the “crow’s feet” that come from constant smiling. Note: this was not always the case.
14) Tell us about a not so hidden talent (ex: singing, dancing, grafitti art, looking amazing, etc): If you look closely at my life and the things I do, you’ll see a common thread: I have a gift for synthesis and synergy. I take seemingly unrelated things and make them work together in a way that enables them to exceed their original purpose, and I am skilled at doing this in concert with others. I guess that’s why the bank made me a supervisor.
15) It's karaoke night. What's your go to song? Jeepers, I haven’t done karaoke in ages...if my voice holds out, and it tends not to anymore, but if it does, I would sing In This Moment’s version of Phil Collin’s “In the Air Tonight,” or Liz Phair’s “Extraordinary.” If I’m in a Metal mood and my voice is up to it, then Judas Priest’s “The Sentinel,” with the gender of the Sentinel switched to female.
16) Favorite color combination: Being a Goth girl, I wear A LOT of black, but my favorite color combo is red and black. ❣️🖤
17) Name a photographer (on SG) that is on point this year and only making their way up: As I’ve read other’s response to this question, I have to concur that @cersei is definitely heading into photography Super-Goddess territory.
18) Close your eyes and name the first model that comes into view: @Romany. 💟 Enough said.
19) Worst scar (emotional or physical) if it's not too upsetting to discuss? For all that I have multiple scars on my physical body, none will ever match the scar in my emotional heart than that left by being rejected by my father as a child. He had the misguided notion that he would get to know me when I grew older. He was wrong; by the time he came back into my life, I was too angry to allow him to do so. As a result, we were not on speaking terms and he had been missing for years when I learned that he had died of lung cancer.
20) Favorite tattoo of yours? I don’t currently have any tattoos, although I’ve always wanted one (or more). Recently, I realized what I wanted to have tattooed on me, but, ironically, at that point my health was too poor to allow me to do so. (My skin heals very slowly). However, my health is on the mend, and hopefully I will finally get the first of several tattoos in the near future. I won’t say exactly what it is, but this emoji will help you: 🦋, but not just any 🦋.
21) You are an inspiration to members, models, and photographers alike. You give more to your community than you realize. What is one thing you would say to someone that aspires to reach as high as you in their life? As much as I don’t seek to receive any compensation from it, I do my best to inspire those who feel downtrodden or unworthy of greatness. One thing I would say to anyone who wants to reach my level of consciousness or beyond is this: You are FAR MORE than what your mind can imagine. When you think you are unworthy of Love, or if you feel alone in the universe, it is only your mind that has its talons thoroughly entangled in these concepts, unwilling to let go. YOU have potential so great that it will take you much more than one lifetime to begin to realize it.
22) Biggest weakness? Anger. When my focus slips, I still have a tendency to fall into anger and project negative thoughts. I’m pretty good at catching myself, though, because my ability to project anger is equally as powerful as my ability to express Love, so if I should direct my anger at a person, I immediately see the effects, and I quickly make amends. Being angry is a very easy thing to do; but just because it is easy doesn’t mean it’s something we should do. It is more difficult to manifest forgiveness, but the rewards are worth the effort. The key is to understand the secret of forgiveness: it’s not your job to forgive someone else; you must learn to forgive yourself. If you take responsibility for everything in your life, including any harm that seems to come from another person, you are automatically empowered to CHANGE IT.
23) Biggest strength? My greatest source of strength is the power of Infinite Love which I do my best to allow to flow through me every day, every moment. On my own, I have no strength at all, and I couldn’t fight my way out of a wet paper bag; but with the power of Infinite Love and those powers that accompany It, I am an asset in any battle against the darkness, visible or invisible.
24) Soft or bruised lips? Are you a gentle kisser or intensely passionate enough to draw a little blood? Same as #7; it depends on my partner. I can be, and have been both. One of my favorite things to do is kiss my partner all over as part of foreplay. I’m one of those girls that like to go all night.
25) Tag at least 5 people you think should take this questionnaire: Well here are a few I would like to see answer these questions; I won’t say if they should or not: @romany, @verde, @kaliva, @felicity - once her life is calmer, and @persephonepitstop
Much, much Love,
- Dhyani