Hi, Hola, Oi, Salut, Привет, EVERYONE!!!
I had SO much fun at last night’s Rock show at the Knitting Factory here in Spokane, WA!!! I have a girlfriend from work who shares my tastes in music, and when I found out Hell’s Belles were coming to town, I bought two tickets and I suddenly had myself a date! She’s the same girl who went to Halestorm/In This Moment/New Year’s Day with me.
My day started with difficulty because of a new element of chaos introduced at my day job - if nothing else inspires me to push to get my novel published this year, this haphazard form of idiotic management will - but things immediately got better when I got off work: while impatiently waiting in line to pay for parking so I could get my car, I ran into my favorite fragrances specialist from Nordstrom, a high class U.S. department store. I figured I was just another customer to her - not so! I was so flattered (and a bit turned on) to learn that she not only remembered me, but was missing me and wanted me to come see her. She’s so GORGEOUS, and a lesbian like me, so my heart started beating just a little bit faster for the rest of the night!
I rushed home and fed my cat, put on my fave fishnet bodysuit and squeezed into my schoolgirl plaid dress, hastily added some evening makeup accents and rushed to get to the venue. I only live 1.25 miles away, but I didn’t have time to walk, and my date needed a ride home afterwards.
When I arrived, my girlfriend was waiting just inside the entrance for me, about 20 feet from the stage, and I got to see the opening band (who were not properly advertised), Elephant Gun Riot, finish a rousing cover of Iron Maiden’s “Run To The Hills.”
The place was packed, there were very limited assigned seats, and my girlfriend is a lot shorter than me, so I used my knowledge of my experience during the Nightwish show to find us a good spot on the upstairs balcony where we had a great view and the acoustics were perfect!
It gets even better, though- when I came in, I saw a girl staffing the merch booth that looked like a picture right out of SG! I told her I would definitely be seeing her again; and when my girlfriend and I went to leave, I got to meet this Gothic beauty. I complimented her on her tattoos, which she was happy to share (and what we saw indicated she is covered with amazing art!), and I asked her if she knew about SuicideGirls, to which she replied that she was, but she wasn’t ready to go that far yet. I hope she does - she will be an overnight sensation! Anyway, I bought a t-shirt based on her recommendation and a tank top for my girlfriend and we headed out.
It was really cold outside, so you get to see my favorite parka with my schoolgirl plaid.
When I got home and parked my car, it was a little bit scary- the police were patrolling the neighborhood searching for a suspect. But I got inside safely, and was still grinning ear to ear!
Thanks for reminiscing with me! My next fun night out will feature the touring stage version of the hit TV show, “Whose Line Is It Anyway?”
Much Love everyone!
- Dhyani
Damn I need to spend more time reading your blogs! Your writing a novel? Can't wait to read! I've been told to write a book of my life, I will read more of you you inspire <3
@freakme, thank you! I have actually written more than one, but I’m actually have one that is ready to be published at this point, and yes, I’ll be writing another one this year. I’ll be letting everyone know when the current one is published! 💗💜🖤🤗