As always, I have been as busy as the inventor of a time machine racing against time to build a new machine to go back in time to stop himself/herself from inventing the first one. So, please forgive me for allowing my page to become outdated again. I will break my update into chapters and try to be brief, although that's going to be difficult:
Back in December of 2016, for all that those were dark days for me for many reasons, I had a personal breakthrough that enabled me to remove the last elements of writer's block that had been slowing me down for months. The effect of that revelation caused me to enter the most creative period of my life. I wrote a 25 page outline with dialogue and character construction between 12/15/16 and 12/31/16. I literally finished the outline during the witching hour of 12/31. From that point forward, in addition to my 40 hr per week day job and normal household duties, I spent the time equivalent of a second full time job writing a horror/paranormal romance novella based on the outline from December. I finished the first draft on 3/18, had the second draft typewritten by 4/28, and had the edited third draft ready for my beta-readers on 5/1. Now that the book is in the hands of my beta-readers, I can take a brief break to write other things before I turn to the task of promoting the project to publishers/finding an agent. This would be so much easier if I could afford to do this for free!
My goal is to be promoting my book at a convention relevant to its content in October, so I've got to stay focused. To paraphrase a common motivational quote, "Success is like fighting Cthulhu; you don't quit when you're tired, you quit when Cthulhu is tired."
The next chapters will have photos, and will appear soon!
If you're going through Hell, keep going; things won't get better if you give up now.
Have a great day!
- Dhyani