Da Seis de mi vacaciones, y me siento muy bien! Day six of my vacation, and I feel great!
I just finished a second, and much more successful, attempt at creating SG Fan Art. With any luck, the SG pictured will find the picture to her liking, and I'll post it on the SG Fan Art page.
It's been a real pleasure to do something recreational for a change. I haven't drawn anything for a long time until now. It's good to see I can still draw.
However, I write much better than I draw, so I need to get back to writing (and relaxing - my vacation is only 8 days long).
Have a great day, and Rock on!
I just finished a second, and much more successful, attempt at creating SG Fan Art. With any luck, the SG pictured will find the picture to her liking, and I'll post it on the SG Fan Art page.
It's been a real pleasure to do something recreational for a change. I haven't drawn anything for a long time until now. It's good to see I can still draw.
However, I write much better than I draw, so I need to get back to writing (and relaxing - my vacation is only 8 days long).
Have a great day, and Rock on!

This is very nice!!

disfruta de tus vacaciones