Well, I finally got around to posting a music video of me playing guitar. It was a fun experience trying to get a good recording; for some reason I kept getting distortion on the low end, even without amplification. The end result was acceptable, if imperfect.
For those who like to know the names of guitars, the guitar in this video is named "Isabella." She's an Ovation Celebrity Deluxe.
I translated the name of the song into Spanish, partly because I am learning Spanish, but also because of the the play on words, en espaol, "Mood for a Day" is something like "Humor por un da," with the word "humor" meaning both "mood" and "humor." I think the name of the song originally should have been in Spanish, as the structure and phrasing of the song sounds Spanish in origin, almost Flamenco. I like it, and I hope you do, too.
Many thanks to Ellys, who inspired me with her little guitar videos.
Next time I'll play some rock or metal on my other guitar. Until then,
Hasta luego, mis amigas y amigos!

For those who like to know the names of guitars, the guitar in this video is named "Isabella." She's an Ovation Celebrity Deluxe.
I translated the name of the song into Spanish, partly because I am learning Spanish, but also because of the the play on words, en espaol, "Mood for a Day" is something like "Humor por un da," with the word "humor" meaning both "mood" and "humor." I think the name of the song originally should have been in Spanish, as the structure and phrasing of the song sounds Spanish in origin, almost Flamenco. I like it, and I hope you do, too.
Many thanks to Ellys, who inspired me with her little guitar videos.
Next time I'll play some rock or metal on my other guitar. Until then,
Hasta luego, mis amigas y amigos!