Well we had a great weekend! Went to Pasco, WA for sales calls with one customer and then to anothers Open House to promote the growth of our company. Both went really well! It was the first trade show I have ever attended that I felt like we were welcome at. Most of them is me standing in a booth hoping we get at least a few customers to stop by. There were times that I wished we had another body there to answer questions because we were rocking! I think we are going to sell a lot of products from that show alone and we have three more to attend. Also got to attend the host dinner party and made some new friends.
Then I had the long ass drive home... Took me almost 3 hours! Got home and realized that my house was a huge mess and all I wanted to do was have a drink and sleep. So I did!
Sunday was full of COD and running around to get ready for the week.
Then I had the long ass drive home... Took me almost 3 hours! Got home and realized that my house was a huge mess and all I wanted to do was have a drink and sleep. So I did!
Sunday was full of COD and running around to get ready for the week.