So I just moved to a small town in WA. There is only 1200 people who live here year round, but we do have a ton of vacation homes so when the weather is right we grow to like 2500 people. The nice thing is Seattle is just over the pass, about 90 minutes away. I didnt move here because I really wanted to leave my favorite city, I took a job with a really promising company. Plus they hired me as a GM.... Right now there is a few feet of snow on the ground, but it has been raining so its like a iced over snow cone out there.... Dont eat the yellow or brown ones... not so good! What else to tell the very few people who will read this? Well I have a custom motorcycle shop, or I did in Bothell, WA. My friends that I started it with will have to do it on their own now I guess. I'm looking forward to summer when I can ride my bike every day. I'm also looking forward to getting settled in a new place so I can get my daughter over here. She is gonna love being outdoors all the time. .....On a side note I am really not happy with this keyboard right now.... I would blame the whiskey but you cant blame Jack for poor typing skills!
Thats all for now...whoever ends up reading this thing
Thats all for now...whoever ends up reading this thing