Ever have one of those days when at the end of it all you look back on it and just want to say Huh? My entire day was just a comedy of errors one after the other. What started it off was I workout every morning, Then shower and change at the gym before going to work. Well this morning I forgot my underwear but I discovered this after I finished working out and 30 minutes before I had to get to a meeting. Yikes!!! it went down from there so I will save you from the gory details. Let's just say it wasn't pretty.
I've been giving Bad Religion and Ellliot Smith a lot of play time on my Ipod. It's kind of like a musical speedball!

I've been giving Bad Religion and Ellliot Smith a lot of play time on my Ipod. It's kind of like a musical speedball!

I'll take care of that firey girl, she's no match for a woman in love! (with a demon from Hell).
it even makes me nervous that you refer to us as "together," i really don't know how to think about things like this. haven't seen him since last weekend, and won't see him until this coming week it looks like. was gonna be tonight, but now...changes...