The wierdest thing happened to me on the way into work this morning. I leave at O dark 30 so it's pitch black and I am borrowing a truck while mine is in for repairs. Well I was settling in to my ride in (meaning the heater finally kicked in) when I see that the speedometer indicator arrow has taken on a life of it's own. The arrow srtarted to rise very slowly and continued to rise right past all the numbers completing a 360 degrees circle. Then it started to go down very slowly another 360 degrees. Now this obviously got my attention but when it started spinning around and around I really got concerned. I am looking out my window expecting the alien mother ship to come down and zap me up to their ship at any moment. The thought of that really freaked me out because the hell if I want any little alien probing me NOOOOOoooooooooo!! you think I ought to get the thing fixed?
Hope your week started out a little less eventful!! you think I ought to get the thing fixed?

the greatest line ever uttered in a simpsons episode