Well another year older and deeper in debt as the song goes along with black crepe paper and he's fallen and he can't get up jokes all day!
A recent conversation placed here for entertainment purposes only don't read too much into it!
Boy: Hey baby how about some of that special mmm mmm tonight I've been good all week!
Girl: Sex isn't something that you earn by being good there's no block you check off for it!
Boy: Well that just goes against centuries of male thinking! So what are you saying it doesn't matter whether I am naughty or nice?
Girl: Well you were naughty the last time you got it so your not getting any tonight!
Boy: So now your keeping a score card!!? Arghhhhhh!
A recent conversation placed here for entertainment purposes only don't read too much into it!

Boy: Hey baby how about some of that special mmm mmm tonight I've been good all week!
Girl: Sex isn't something that you earn by being good there's no block you check off for it!
Boy: Well that just goes against centuries of male thinking! So what are you saying it doesn't matter whether I am naughty or nice?
Girl: Well you were naughty the last time you got it so your not getting any tonight!
Boy: So now your keeping a score card!!? Arghhhhhh!

I hope it went well, and as far as the geezer jokes, i woulda laid into you a couple years back, but i am closer on your heals so we will just say that you are holding up well for your age, and you should have a great resale value.
I hope that all your birthday wishes come true, and that you and yours are wonderfully happy and healthy. Many more to you my friend.