well any how saw the doctor today and found out its gonna be at least two more months before i go back too work.i do believe i'm going to go wonkers in that time .when you first don't have to go to work its all wow now i can catch up on my personal life. but as the more time passes and you have nothing to do you start getting antsy.well its been five months since the last time i worked and being injured its not like i can do anythig that would truly be funand or not boring. so i spend most of my time either on the web at this site .which by the way keeps from totally going off the deep end . or watching the t v while i do my rehab exercises, i'm actually curling two pounds with my bad arm now .or taking long walks around my neighborhood.

maybe use an outdoor setting where you can take advatage of natural lighting and use the surroundings too highlight your beauty. and i love the shoes

Hopefully you have healed now and have been able to get back to work... if not, I am sure it will be soon...