i must leave sg for a while
cant really afford it at this time
i will definately be back
with the baby about to come
i need to focus more on my family

skull chunk skull
no baby yet.....
almost thought we were gonna end up
at the hospital yesterday
but we didnt end up going
damn kid cant make up her mind

what a shitty day outside
its cold and rainy
a blustery day as they call it

i'm playing myst uru
awesome game if you like myst
very in depth

missed the fucking circus again this year
always loved...
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Nice boobs love
false alarm...
we actually didnt go to the hospital
contractions slowed down
disappointing yet relief
we want her to stay in there as long as possible

been a very boring day otherwise
it stopped raining but its dreary and shitty outside
i keep seeing crows everywhere
not a good sign
something bad is coming..............

skull chunk skull
Hey hey, heard nothing for a few days. Has the time finally come?
Hope everything went ok!

well i think it might be time
contractions are just under 10 minutes apart

if they keep getting more frequent
we might have our daughter on friday the 13th
that would be so awesome

we could call her jinx as a nickname
well maybe the next time i come back to sg
i'll be a father

skull chunk skull
doesnt it really piss you off when your friends say they will do something to help you and they keep blowing you off.

i'm so fucking pissed right now!!!!!

mad grrrrr
i woke up today...to find myself in another place
with a trail of footprints...from where i ran away

it seems that everything changes so quickly
and sometimes it makes you feel sickly

but when the change comes
the only thing to be done
is stop and for the love of god
try to have fun

my daughter will be here in less than a month...
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You must be so excited! Congrats!
meow! miao!!
hello my name is chunk...i just found out about sg about 2 weeks ago....became a member about a week ago. i absolutely love the entire idea. i dont think anything is sexier than tats and peircings, but the whole idea of what they do here is riveting. its not so much trashy porn, but very artistic and intimate. i absolutely love it!

i've been engaged...
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welcome to sg. biggrin
welcome! you must put of pictures of the new lady when she arrives. im having my son any day now, maybe they can be friends