Hello all of my lovely devious little duckies.,
A long time gone, but with good cause, being it was Halloween weekend. I had a wonderful Halloween, after I'm finished posting I'll check out you all blogs to see what kind of trouble you got into.
I had been preparing for Halloween for almost a week. We usually have my nieces and nephew over for a little Halloween party and that's exactly what we did. There was all kinds of food, and the kids had a great time. Check out some of the menu:
They are super spoiled. Here are the murder cakes I made for the adults and a party I was attending:
Delightful, aren't they? It's sugar glass, also known as Hollywood glass. Which amounts to melted sugar. It's tricky to work with, but once you know your way around glass making you're set. Interesting side note: When the west was being settled there was such a high demand for glass but such a short supply (being that the rail road was just springing up and glass was hard to transport) many families in the west decided to use sugar glass on their windows. About the same structural integrity of glass, the only problem was it would dissolve overtime.
It broke my heart to see how few trick or treaters there were. When I was a kid there were hordes and hordes of them, from all over the city that would come out. Now, we are lucky if we get three or four groups. It upsets me. I'm not sure if it is our of fear, finances or apathy, but seriously, we can't let Halloween go out like that. I remember trick or treating used to be an event, now it seems slow, sluggish and pointless. When you go down a street and only one or two houses are giving out candy, it's kind of depressing, and I'm a twenty two year old kid, I wonder what it's like for the little ones. When I was a kid if a house didn't have it's porch light on it was a huge surprise, to the point where in my little world it warranted concern. "They aren't giving out candy?! Well I hope they aren't sick or something..."
I've heard similar stories from friends I have in different areas of the country too, which makes me wonder what it really is. Are we, as a society, more frightened than we used to be? I think so, I remember right after September 11, when the "anthrax scare" was the big story, the streets that Halloween were dead. Every year after seemed to just get worse. Regardless of the fact that there hasn't been one, not even one, documented case of a child being poisoned by Halloween candy from a stranger. There are cases of relatives doing it, but not strangers. Last night we had some popcorn balls left over, so I gave them out to some trick or treaters. I wonder, will they eat them? Or will some over paranoid parent make me out to be a mad woman who gets off on killing kids dressed up as power rangers. The phrase, "No, you can't eat that, we don't know what's in it." comes to mind, still, all things considered, a homemade treat is harmless. They say that the average Hershey's bar has on average three cockroach legs, or other members.
What do you guys think? Was trick or treating better when you were a kid, or is this lack of concern for one of the best holidays in our culture founded in disillusion. Given, everything seems more awesome when you're a kid.
As for me, I was Nicoli Tesla:
Excuse the bloodshot eyes and sloppy smile, Edison does some stress on any good scientist.
A lot of people thought I was Charlie Chaplin. Which is alright, he's pretty hot. Not nearly as hot as Tesla though.
Hot, hot, hot.
As for my next set, things are getting underway. I have an idea that will make your heart sing. As soon as I get things a little more structured I'll let you know when I'm shooting it, and with who. Sometime soon I also plan on posting a video of me getting some shiny new skin art. Much needed.
Hope you all are having a great Monday!
Much love to you my devious little duckies.
Hopefully yours,
P.S. Here's a link to my wishlist for those of you who were asking for it and having problems with the link in my profile. I think it's fixed now.
A long time gone, but with good cause, being it was Halloween weekend. I had a wonderful Halloween, after I'm finished posting I'll check out you all blogs to see what kind of trouble you got into.

I had been preparing for Halloween for almost a week. We usually have my nieces and nephew over for a little Halloween party and that's exactly what we did. There was all kinds of food, and the kids had a great time. Check out some of the menu:

They are super spoiled. Here are the murder cakes I made for the adults and a party I was attending:

Delightful, aren't they? It's sugar glass, also known as Hollywood glass. Which amounts to melted sugar. It's tricky to work with, but once you know your way around glass making you're set. Interesting side note: When the west was being settled there was such a high demand for glass but such a short supply (being that the rail road was just springing up and glass was hard to transport) many families in the west decided to use sugar glass on their windows. About the same structural integrity of glass, the only problem was it would dissolve overtime.
It broke my heart to see how few trick or treaters there were. When I was a kid there were hordes and hordes of them, from all over the city that would come out. Now, we are lucky if we get three or four groups. It upsets me. I'm not sure if it is our of fear, finances or apathy, but seriously, we can't let Halloween go out like that. I remember trick or treating used to be an event, now it seems slow, sluggish and pointless. When you go down a street and only one or two houses are giving out candy, it's kind of depressing, and I'm a twenty two year old kid, I wonder what it's like for the little ones. When I was a kid if a house didn't have it's porch light on it was a huge surprise, to the point where in my little world it warranted concern. "They aren't giving out candy?! Well I hope they aren't sick or something..."
I've heard similar stories from friends I have in different areas of the country too, which makes me wonder what it really is. Are we, as a society, more frightened than we used to be? I think so, I remember right after September 11, when the "anthrax scare" was the big story, the streets that Halloween were dead. Every year after seemed to just get worse. Regardless of the fact that there hasn't been one, not even one, documented case of a child being poisoned by Halloween candy from a stranger. There are cases of relatives doing it, but not strangers. Last night we had some popcorn balls left over, so I gave them out to some trick or treaters. I wonder, will they eat them? Or will some over paranoid parent make me out to be a mad woman who gets off on killing kids dressed up as power rangers. The phrase, "No, you can't eat that, we don't know what's in it." comes to mind, still, all things considered, a homemade treat is harmless. They say that the average Hershey's bar has on average three cockroach legs, or other members.
What do you guys think? Was trick or treating better when you were a kid, or is this lack of concern for one of the best holidays in our culture founded in disillusion. Given, everything seems more awesome when you're a kid.
As for me, I was Nicoli Tesla:

Excuse the bloodshot eyes and sloppy smile, Edison does some stress on any good scientist.

A lot of people thought I was Charlie Chaplin. Which is alright, he's pretty hot. Not nearly as hot as Tesla though.

Hot, hot, hot.
As for my next set, things are getting underway. I have an idea that will make your heart sing. As soon as I get things a little more structured I'll let you know when I'm shooting it, and with who. Sometime soon I also plan on posting a video of me getting some shiny new skin art. Much needed.

Hope you all are having a great Monday!
Much love to you my devious little duckies.
Hopefully yours,
P.S. Here's a link to my wishlist for those of you who were asking for it and having problems with the link in my profile. I think it's fixed now.
Knotty boy makes great dread stuff, I have some of their wax and shampoo. When I used the shampoo, which smelled of mint, in conjunction with my cocoa butter I smelled like junior mints.
You better be super sexy with dread locks.