Wonderful news and a few little gifts for my lovely little devious duckies!
First some sexy pictures for your sexy love:
This is from my latest set, that is finally pending review! I submitted it last night. I'm so excited about it, I'm not going to tell you the name of it until I get a date for review. I'm hoping the queue lines up so it will go up around my Birthday, November 13. So hopefully in a little more than two weeks you'll see much more of my sexy self, and as the date nears I'll definitely put up some more preview pics. I don't know about you but I am totally pumped.
So not entirely too much is going on in my world. I still seem to be dealing a game of shit cards with life. On the awesome side of things, we had our first airsoft game today! It turned out to be epic. We only got one game in, but it was a long one. I'm pretty damn fine with a spring action shot gun and pistol, lemme tell you.
We have a great place to play out here. There are tons of bushes and trees out there, and a couple years ago we cleared off a nice area for the base camp. Since the last time we've been out there someone's added a fire pit, and the bushes that were there are twice as big.
As for my birthday I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do. Last year I just hung out at home, and it actually turned out to be pretty nice. The year before that was my 21st birthday, needless to say I don't remember much. I'm still to this day hearing legends about that night. I woke up, still drunk and confused as hell. See, I woke up naked, on the floor, with no phone. I got my bathrobe and went to my brothers room. When I knocked on the door I got a very tired and hungover answer. Apparently I was up and fuckin around until about midnight, I remember up till about 9. Me and my friend Courtney were taking shots every time someone said the word "I" Looking back it was a good time, still I don't like getting that drunk. I'd rather smoke, considering the only side effects are hungry happy and sleepy, not waking up the next day being half capable of caring for yourself. Not to knock drinkers, I still drink, just not too terribly much. Probably due to the fact that when I get drunk I get very sleepy and bored. Not sure why. When I'm smoked though, that's a different story.
So, off the subject, do any of you own a Kia Soul, or do you have any opinion of it? I'm contemplating getting a new set of wheels, and after looking over several hatch backs including the Fiesta, Fit (which I like a lot too but the Soul gets better average gas mileage and has a 10 year warranty) and Aveo. As you can probably tell I'm looking for a hatchback. I love my bug, really I do, but as for space, and efficiency, it's kind of lacking. Not to mention the electrical problems that make many avid drivers steer clear of new Volkswagens. Not looking for anything bigger than a Fiesta, that's as big as I go. (Smaller packages often pack a harder punch
) Fuel economy is a definite much, probably the biggest.
If you all have any suggestions, let me know. And keep an eye out, as soon as I get the date for my next set expect a preview blog. Perhaps it will feature a sexy video, perhaps some sexy pictures, oh the possibilities. I hope you are as excited as I am.
All my love to my cute little duckies!
First some sexy pictures for your sexy love:

This is from my latest set, that is finally pending review! I submitted it last night. I'm so excited about it, I'm not going to tell you the name of it until I get a date for review. I'm hoping the queue lines up so it will go up around my Birthday, November 13. So hopefully in a little more than two weeks you'll see much more of my sexy self, and as the date nears I'll definitely put up some more preview pics. I don't know about you but I am totally pumped.
So not entirely too much is going on in my world. I still seem to be dealing a game of shit cards with life. On the awesome side of things, we had our first airsoft game today! It turned out to be epic. We only got one game in, but it was a long one. I'm pretty damn fine with a spring action shot gun and pistol, lemme tell you.
We have a great place to play out here. There are tons of bushes and trees out there, and a couple years ago we cleared off a nice area for the base camp. Since the last time we've been out there someone's added a fire pit, and the bushes that were there are twice as big.
As for my birthday I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do. Last year I just hung out at home, and it actually turned out to be pretty nice. The year before that was my 21st birthday, needless to say I don't remember much. I'm still to this day hearing legends about that night. I woke up, still drunk and confused as hell. See, I woke up naked, on the floor, with no phone. I got my bathrobe and went to my brothers room. When I knocked on the door I got a very tired and hungover answer. Apparently I was up and fuckin around until about midnight, I remember up till about 9. Me and my friend Courtney were taking shots every time someone said the word "I" Looking back it was a good time, still I don't like getting that drunk. I'd rather smoke, considering the only side effects are hungry happy and sleepy, not waking up the next day being half capable of caring for yourself. Not to knock drinkers, I still drink, just not too terribly much. Probably due to the fact that when I get drunk I get very sleepy and bored. Not sure why. When I'm smoked though, that's a different story.
So, off the subject, do any of you own a Kia Soul, or do you have any opinion of it? I'm contemplating getting a new set of wheels, and after looking over several hatch backs including the Fiesta, Fit (which I like a lot too but the Soul gets better average gas mileage and has a 10 year warranty) and Aveo. As you can probably tell I'm looking for a hatchback. I love my bug, really I do, but as for space, and efficiency, it's kind of lacking. Not to mention the electrical problems that make many avid drivers steer clear of new Volkswagens. Not looking for anything bigger than a Fiesta, that's as big as I go. (Smaller packages often pack a harder punch

If you all have any suggestions, let me know. And keep an eye out, as soon as I get the date for my next set expect a preview blog. Perhaps it will feature a sexy video, perhaps some sexy pictures, oh the possibilities. I hope you are as excited as I am.
All my love to my cute little duckies!
Hells yeah.... By the way, God DAMN!! 

The tips you gave helped me the most! :] I'm very grateful and thank you.