Happy October!
So many thing are brewing, and I'd thought I'd update you on them.
My set is off the get it's finishing touches.
Depending on what the queue looks like when it's submitted it should be up for your peepers to peep at round a month or so. <3 I'm really excited about it. I hope you all get pumped too!
Also, I am torn ladies and gentlemen on what to do for my Halloween mini-set for my special most devious of duckies. So, I need more thoughts from you all about what you would like to see. I'm tossing around the ideas I've had thrown to me, like cyborg, classical corset vampire, white rabbit, and a zombie situation. Thoughts? Concerns? Comments? Requests?
Saw my girl crush Vellin on the front page today.
Right on! Made me swoon, just a little bit though.
As for everything else, and so it goes. Life has been throwing me the shit card a bit as of late, but that's what life does, to the best of us.
All my love to you, my devious little duckies!
Hopefully Yours,
So many thing are brewing, and I'd thought I'd update you on them.

Depending on what the queue looks like when it's submitted it should be up for your peepers to peep at round a month or so. <3 I'm really excited about it. I hope you all get pumped too!
Also, I am torn ladies and gentlemen on what to do for my Halloween mini-set for my special most devious of duckies. So, I need more thoughts from you all about what you would like to see. I'm tossing around the ideas I've had thrown to me, like cyborg, classical corset vampire, white rabbit, and a zombie situation. Thoughts? Concerns? Comments? Requests?
Saw my girl crush Vellin on the front page today.

As for everything else, and so it goes. Life has been throwing me the shit card a bit as of late, but that's what life does, to the best of us.
All my love to you, my devious little duckies!
Hopefully Yours,
I say do a white ninja zombie rabbit who also happens to be a cyborg