Hello loves,
Sunday, what a fantastic day, when no one expects me to be anywhere, and I get to do nothing is when I have the most fun. Lying naked on my bed reading Carl Sagan listening to Infected Mushroom was probably one of the best mornings I've had all year. I could of slept late, but I didn't, still managed to be in bed until about an hour ago.
How is your Sunday going? Any crazy plans to make me super jealous? I'm designing my costume for the Zombie Walk this year, I'm not sure what kind of zombie I'll be. I love the Romero zombies, but it's so much funner to be a 28 days later zombie. So I'll probably end up being a runner and not so much of a slow moving shuffler/moaner. Last year they wouldn't me get on the bus to get home, that's the first and only time I've ever gotten into an argument with a bus driver. "Moron, it's strawberry jelly and fake blood, I'm really not a threat to you, I promise."
Still, coming from someone who looked like me at that moment, I can't blame him for not being excited about a bus ride filled with zombies.
We all know that it's the effects that really make a zombie stand out in a zombie walk, but personally, I feel it is just as important to consider who that zombie was before the infection. Now the entire bride and groom thing, cheerleader thing, and random cute chick thing are all drastically overdone. And, if you think about it, that ratio of bride and groom zombies, cheerleader zombies and the like would be rather rare among the swarms of casually clothed humans who met the sad fate of infection.
So, the question I pose to you is this, who was I before I met the infection? I was flirting with the idea of wearing scrubs and just doing really intense and bloody make up effects. Maybe going to an offensive level and stuffing pillows under a sun dress to be a preg-o zombie. Too far? Well, they would exist if a real infection happened, so we shouldn't sugarcoat it! Or maybe just a casual clothed zombie, to fit in with the rest of the horde of death, chaos, and that weird pancake smell of fake blood.
As most of you know, I do cosplay, and general costuming. I love to dress up, but when I do, it's go big or go home! I learned a lot from my Mom and being a performer backstage, and from just experimenting myself, and seeing what works, and what doesn't. I'm just stuck. I'd love to really stick out this year, and have people ask, "Did you see the zombie walk?" "Yeah, did you see that one chick?!" You know what I mean.
I'm thinking about recruiting three of my guy friends, and getting them to be the boomer, smoker, and hunter from L4D and I'll be the witch. That would be hardcore. I wouldn't do the charger (from L4D2) or the tank considering they would involve so much makeup and construction, and really huge dudes to fit the body stature. Now that I'm thinking about it, there's nothing you can't do with duct tape, camp foam, and paper-mache. Plus you can order silicone by the gallon.
So give me your insights! Make-up tips, back-story ideas, anything you want, what would make you say, "Holy shit, now that is a zombie!"
This is probably the nerdiest blog I've posted yet.
Hopefully yours,
Sunday, what a fantastic day, when no one expects me to be anywhere, and I get to do nothing is when I have the most fun. Lying naked on my bed reading Carl Sagan listening to Infected Mushroom was probably one of the best mornings I've had all year. I could of slept late, but I didn't, still managed to be in bed until about an hour ago.
How is your Sunday going? Any crazy plans to make me super jealous? I'm designing my costume for the Zombie Walk this year, I'm not sure what kind of zombie I'll be. I love the Romero zombies, but it's so much funner to be a 28 days later zombie. So I'll probably end up being a runner and not so much of a slow moving shuffler/moaner. Last year they wouldn't me get on the bus to get home, that's the first and only time I've ever gotten into an argument with a bus driver. "Moron, it's strawberry jelly and fake blood, I'm really not a threat to you, I promise."
Still, coming from someone who looked like me at that moment, I can't blame him for not being excited about a bus ride filled with zombies.
We all know that it's the effects that really make a zombie stand out in a zombie walk, but personally, I feel it is just as important to consider who that zombie was before the infection. Now the entire bride and groom thing, cheerleader thing, and random cute chick thing are all drastically overdone. And, if you think about it, that ratio of bride and groom zombies, cheerleader zombies and the like would be rather rare among the swarms of casually clothed humans who met the sad fate of infection.
So, the question I pose to you is this, who was I before I met the infection? I was flirting with the idea of wearing scrubs and just doing really intense and bloody make up effects. Maybe going to an offensive level and stuffing pillows under a sun dress to be a preg-o zombie. Too far? Well, they would exist if a real infection happened, so we shouldn't sugarcoat it! Or maybe just a casual clothed zombie, to fit in with the rest of the horde of death, chaos, and that weird pancake smell of fake blood.
As most of you know, I do cosplay, and general costuming. I love to dress up, but when I do, it's go big or go home! I learned a lot from my Mom and being a performer backstage, and from just experimenting myself, and seeing what works, and what doesn't. I'm just stuck. I'd love to really stick out this year, and have people ask, "Did you see the zombie walk?" "Yeah, did you see that one chick?!" You know what I mean.
I'm thinking about recruiting three of my guy friends, and getting them to be the boomer, smoker, and hunter from L4D and I'll be the witch. That would be hardcore. I wouldn't do the charger (from L4D2) or the tank considering they would involve so much makeup and construction, and really huge dudes to fit the body stature. Now that I'm thinking about it, there's nothing you can't do with duct tape, camp foam, and paper-mache. Plus you can order silicone by the gallon.
So give me your insights! Make-up tips, back-story ideas, anything you want, what would make you say, "Holy shit, now that is a zombie!"
This is probably the nerdiest blog I've posted yet.
Hopefully yours,
I love themed shit like that, working in theatre allows for supplies too
have a great Tuesday