- on dezmodium's page
Michael Jordan why does my peepee burn?
I was enjoying your fine bathing products when I worked up a rich lather to clean the extremities. Upon application a bit entered the vas deferens causing extreme pain. An apology is in due!
I was enjoying your fine bathing products when I worked up a rich lather to clean the extremities. Upon application a bit entered the vas deferens causing extreme pain. An apology is in due!

chris i love ya and all but shit man come to your senses

thats kind of scary man, maybe it was really just a bottle of soapy liquid std's man!

Wow, I haven't updated in a loooong ass time.
Just got a satelite(sp?) internet connection. So I am on 24/7 now. Fuck AOL and their 28.8 connection. It sucks living out here in the sticks.
Gunna apply for a job at the post office. They pay pretty good money, the only drawback being that I can no longer indulge myself in illegal vices.
Well, I...
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Just got a satelite(sp?) internet connection. So I am on 24/7 now. Fuck AOL and their 28.8 connection. It sucks living out here in the sticks.
Gunna apply for a job at the post office. They pay pretty good money, the only drawback being that I can no longer indulge myself in illegal vices.

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They are actually pretty damn good, man. The last few times i saw them, they even covered "the trooper" by Iron Maiden. Very cool.
You should seriously check out 3.
You should seriously check out 3.
I'll check them out. I'm not really into any emo shit at all. But like I said I really dig Rush and they remind me of them.
So last night I am taking a shower and I run out of soap towards the end. And I still need to wash my butt. This is a key area so it is a must. So I look around and see the Herbal Essences shampoo. I think to myself, "I have a lot of long hair in there." Anyhow, today my farts smell like flowers....
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this is not joey but a machine, wait no im just jesse who lost his account and no one knows why but i cant get it back so i'll have to get a new but i will wait till i go to korea, oh yeah in case you havnt heard im going to korea
That is a friggin' cool profile pic...we rarely ever see him in his true form, ya know? Horns and tail and such...
I have 700 bucks in my bank account.... I heard about what happened to all the head shops in Ft laud. sucks. BSO are bastards. I mean seriously when are we going to be able to choose wht we put in our own bodies. fuck consentual crimes. but anyhow, I have a good amount of money for my move. I don't know if I'll be...
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my bf's brother is a cop, the tests are easy but BSO is getting shut down soon!! lol cause of curruption with juvinials drugs and money crap i dunno. and yes chris you are my friend squared.
yeh man... im pretty sure im goin to do it.... today the factory was fucking hotter than hell and i thought, "Do I want to be working in a sweat shop for shit money for 20 some-odd years". The answer was a resounding "no".
hey by the way, whats your AIM name?
So anyhow thanks Lysergicangel for the year account. and the hoodie and stickers and poster.. fucking christ man! stop buying me stuff lol. like i was saying... I might move back down to florida and get into Corrections like my dad. The money is to good and they will pay for me through college. And I can retire when I'm 40. It'll be nice then...
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isn't this how we saw ourselves in high school, you becoming a cop and me going off into the army, no, oh well i guess we sold ourselves out but hell your right you gotta do what you gotta do to live.
your welcome for everything, hell the hoodie and shit was for the winter holiday people celabrate and i could stand having the person who introduced me to SG not have his account anymore.
your welcome for everything, hell the hoodie and shit was for the winter holiday people celabrate and i could stand having the person who introduced me to SG not have his account anymore.