i fucking hate drama!!!!!!!!
last night me and my boy went to a casino in sd.
on the way his x-girlfriend called his cell, so i picked it up. she's a drunk and we started to get into it.
and pretty much she said that she is going to make my life hell. she told me that now that i picked up his phone she is going to call more often and text him all the time. so she did, she called about 20 times last night because she is a dunk slut. she lives in another state so i'm not worried about it.
but how in the hell am i going to deal with this?!? for a year i have let her call and never once did i have a problem with it unitll this week. we both have told her to stop and she is so drunk that she really is not getting it.
we tried to block her number and now the only thing is to change his number.
how would you deal with it?
last night me and my boy went to a casino in sd.
on the way his x-girlfriend called his cell, so i picked it up. she's a drunk and we started to get into it.
and pretty much she said that she is going to make my life hell. she told me that now that i picked up his phone she is going to call more often and text him all the time. so she did, she called about 20 times last night because she is a dunk slut. she lives in another state so i'm not worried about it.
but how in the hell am i going to deal with this?!? for a year i have let her call and never once did i have a problem with it unitll this week. we both have told her to stop and she is so drunk that she really is not getting it.
we tried to block her number and now the only thing is to change his number.
how would you deal with it?
Any no i am NOT bullshitting..
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