I had the wierdest dream ever.
All I remember is that I was married and I had a child, seemed to be about 6 or so months old. I drove to my apartment with a car full of people, it seemed like a Ferrari or a Maserati because I remember an unusal badge on the steering wheel. It seemed I was leaving work in it and dropping some people off. When I got onto the motorway seconds later I realised there was no brake pedals or handbrake but I continued on anyway. Next thing I knew I was waking up in bed with who I can assume was my wife with the baby in the corner, man this is freaky, it all seemed so real. Anyway we went into the kitchen and I looked out the window and saw two faceless women running through a contruction site or a ditch or something carrying something small then hit it with a brick and ran off behind the building I was in. A minute later I heard a noise in the bedroom and ran in to find these two faceless people reaching in to grab my child. I freaked and tried to push them away but one ofthem already had the baby and the other one fell off the building in the struggle. It seemed like 20 floors up it was such a long fall. I have no idea how they got up.
I ran around panicing trying to call the cops but every time I did I got a really threatening voice telling me not to panic and "You don't know what it's like, you don't know what it's all about". It seemed my wife knew what was going on and tried to stop me calling and running around. I stumbled into what could only be described as a secret door leading to an upstairs area I'd never seen. It didn't seem decorated or even lit. I ran upstairs and found dozens, maybe a hundred people up there, all of whom seemed to know exactly who I was. They seemed to all be living there, no light, no noticeable cooking or washing facilities, and the only way in and out was through this secret door.
One of them approached me and I remember having a confrontation with him but I can't remember what it was about. I woke up shortly afterwards.
I'm not sure why I'm writing this here, but I had to write it somewhere. I've never had such a realistic dream before. It freaked me out a lot. I'm still a little disturbed by it.
All I remember is that I was married and I had a child, seemed to be about 6 or so months old. I drove to my apartment with a car full of people, it seemed like a Ferrari or a Maserati because I remember an unusal badge on the steering wheel. It seemed I was leaving work in it and dropping some people off. When I got onto the motorway seconds later I realised there was no brake pedals or handbrake but I continued on anyway. Next thing I knew I was waking up in bed with who I can assume was my wife with the baby in the corner, man this is freaky, it all seemed so real. Anyway we went into the kitchen and I looked out the window and saw two faceless women running through a contruction site or a ditch or something carrying something small then hit it with a brick and ran off behind the building I was in. A minute later I heard a noise in the bedroom and ran in to find these two faceless people reaching in to grab my child. I freaked and tried to push them away but one ofthem already had the baby and the other one fell off the building in the struggle. It seemed like 20 floors up it was such a long fall. I have no idea how they got up.
I ran around panicing trying to call the cops but every time I did I got a really threatening voice telling me not to panic and "You don't know what it's like, you don't know what it's all about". It seemed my wife knew what was going on and tried to stop me calling and running around. I stumbled into what could only be described as a secret door leading to an upstairs area I'd never seen. It didn't seem decorated or even lit. I ran upstairs and found dozens, maybe a hundred people up there, all of whom seemed to know exactly who I was. They seemed to all be living there, no light, no noticeable cooking or washing facilities, and the only way in and out was through this secret door.
One of them approached me and I remember having a confrontation with him but I can't remember what it was about. I woke up shortly afterwards.
I'm not sure why I'm writing this here, but I had to write it somewhere. I've never had such a realistic dream before. It freaked me out a lot. I'm still a little disturbed by it.
Good dream! I have some odd ones myself from time to time (well, all right, most of my dreams are very vivid and strange, as often as not)
Now, babies in dreams usually refer to either one's inner-child or else a part of yourself which which is just starting to come out.
In this dream you see two faceless woman climbing UP into your building in order to steal your child. One makes off with it and then you're 'wife' tells you not to worry about it and tries to convince you not to go after the child.
In dreams, women are often representations of the "anima" or, your own feminine side.
The Anima usually appears either as a Witch (if she is being destructive) or a Mother/Wife/Sister (if she's being helpful)
So, what you've really got here in the two different forms of the anima in the same dream. Part of it seeing to be destructive, the other part maternal and nurturing. But they are all the same thing; as you can tell when your 'wife' tells you to let the baby go.
You then go DOWN into the basement where you meet a bunch of people who all seem to know you.
This seems like a pretty good representation of the unconcouse mind where you are comming into contact with all of the different unconcouse archetypes which exist down there.
So, to sum up the dream; it sounds like your Anima is trying to get rid of the baby and is telling you that its all right and has to be done. All the while, you are panicing and trying to keep a hold of it.
The question is then, what does the baby symbolozie. Is it your inner child? Is it some new persona of your's thats coming out? If you really want to understand this dream, you're going to have to dfigure this out.
So, let me ask you some leading questions
1) have you been doing through any massive changes in your life lately?
2) When you think of babies; what are some of the first thoughts the spring to mind?
3) Have you found that you've been having to change something about yourself lately; something that you don't want to give up?
Good luck with the dream! If you're still stumped, you might want to pick up some books on Jungian Psychology. They deal a lot with dreams/mythology/folklore and are really pretty interresting.