So my party was absolutely amazing! I got to hang out with poopiepants05 and AesSedai which was absolutely perfect...they are so awesome!

I'm really excited, one of my closest friends got me an organic tote bag filled with eco-friendly and animal friendly cleaning products! I'm so excited!
I also got a Kama Sutra game, a deck of cards with a different position on each card, a ribbon that says "World's Biggest Slut", an Amazon gift card from JayBugg, and a plane ticket to CO from Chris

Here are some pics for you to enjoy!
So yeah that's that! (sorry if there are any duplicates...that's a lotta pics to go through!)
So yeah we've got the fourth coming up! Chris and I are going to a friend's house after I get off work to hang out.
On July 12th, my little brother is flying in from CO and staying here for like 2 weeks.
On July 13th, we're going to go look at a few more dogs We spend a few hours with two on Sunday and they were sooooooo adorable. I know it's going to be super tough to make a decision. But I'm hoping a dog will choose us, ya know?
Anywho, off to use my eco-friendly cleaning products!
*Green tip of the week-Skip one car ride a week by taking the bus or riding your bike. It saves thousands of pound of carbon a year.*