$500 was stolen from my bank account two days ago. I didn't catch it until today, but luckily the bank is handling it. BUT I'm out of a bank card and 500 bucks for 10 business days
On a lighter note! My 20th birthday is in 10 days! Woot Woot! For my birthday, Chris and I are getting a dog
We have 7 that we want to go look at. They're all either boxer, bulldog, or pitbull mixes. And they're all females and they're all ADORABLE!
Today was a pretty good day. I just layed around in my bikini top and shorts. It hit 100 degrees today, yowza. So yeah I just lounged around and did Sudoku and laundry
Anywho, here are some more pics from Club Suicide. The first few are me and a few friends and the last few are Chris and I

On a lighter note! My 20th birthday is in 10 days! Woot Woot! For my birthday, Chris and I are getting a dog

Today was a pretty good day. I just layed around in my bikini top and shorts. It hit 100 degrees today, yowza. So yeah I just lounged around and did Sudoku and laundry

Anywho, here are some more pics from Club Suicide. The first few are me and a few friends and the last few are Chris and I

Use it well
and did you read WHY she said they suck?
and im not sweet.