I'm annoyed. A certain SG has had 4 sets go up in the past 6 months, and I've waiting 10 months for my ONE set to go live. Grrrrr.
Whatev!! I shot a set on Thursday that will be going up in MR, so keep your eyes peeled, and I'll keep you posted
I also shot a multi with Kemper, so keep your eye out for that one too!
I was supposed to be at work today at 9am. I turned off my alarm in my sleep. My bf woke me up to ask me what time I had to be to work. I looked at my phone and it was 9:03am. Oops! I got there at 9:20, which is pretty fucking good considering I woke up that late
Oh yeah, so I chopped off my hair. I'm very sad. Some days I like it, but other days i hate it. It's too short to put in a ponytail which means that I can't wear my hair up with a bandana (which is pretty much what I wear everyday) anymore. Oh well. It will grow back! I'd post a pic, but I'm far too gross for a picture right now haha.
Well I'm getting off of here because I gotta make dinner and shower before 10pm when the new season of Weeds starts!
Whatev!! I shot a set on Thursday that will be going up in MR, so keep your eyes peeled, and I'll keep you posted

I also shot a multi with Kemper, so keep your eye out for that one too!

I was supposed to be at work today at 9am. I turned off my alarm in my sleep. My bf woke me up to ask me what time I had to be to work. I looked at my phone and it was 9:03am. Oops! I got there at 9:20, which is pretty fucking good considering I woke up that late

Oh yeah, so I chopped off my hair. I'm very sad. Some days I like it, but other days i hate it. It's too short to put in a ponytail which means that I can't wear my hair up with a bandana (which is pretty much what I wear everyday) anymore. Oh well. It will grow back! I'd post a pic, but I'm far too gross for a picture right now haha.
Well I'm getting off of here because I gotta make dinner and shower before 10pm when the new season of Weeds starts!

i love your hair! it looks good! sadly, over all the time ive known you i had never seen your hair down UNTIL now!!! i think its almost been a year since we met!!.. well, kinda. it was like october? wow, i can't believe its been that long!!! 

well i know i will be waiting for your next set on the edge of my seat!!