I am SO incredibly disgusted with people right now.
SPOILERS! (Click to view) Ok so first of all, my manager came into work today SUPER hungover. *which actually happens quite often* This pissed me off because A) if it were me, she'd be a bitch about it and say that I should have planned my night accordingly with work or some BS like that and B) when she's hungover she just sits her fatass on the floor or counter for hours at a time without lifting a finger to help customers, do go backs, etc etc. *Here's a little bit of background on her*
-she's a "vegetarian" who eats fish, chicken, sometimes pork, and polish sausage.
-she isn't vegetarian for animal rights, 'she just doesn't like meat".
-she loves fur, leather, feathers, etc. I ask her not to talk about it around me, but she still does.
-she's 4'11" and about 250lbs. She's the store manager of a LINGERIE store.
-she lies through her teeth when she gets into discussions about health. she says that she rarely eats because sometimes she just forgets to. HA. That bitch eats at least 4 meals/snacks per shift.
Anyway, I was in the fitting room trying on a corset because we were DEAD. While I'm in there, one of our regulars came in and started talking to my manager and another associate and she was all 'OMG the last time I came in, this CRAZY girl with red and black hair and piercings and shit was working. She was CRAZY!' I laughed it off and came strutting out of the fitting room and her jaw dropped because she realized I heard her talking shit about me. So yeah, this bitch was in our store for 2 and a half hours chatting away with my manager who was STILL sitting her fat ass on the floor doing nothing. This lady was talking about how she wants to leave her bf of 7 years because he refuses to leave his wife and he used to leave her 200 bucks a week to go shopping and now she's lucky if she gets 20. So she started talking about how she went to some bar and danced with a 60 year old (this lady's 33 btw) who was dressed all nice and looked like he had money. So she was saying how she's going to start looking for stability. She doesn't care if the guy's cute, she just wants the financial stability. So THAT immediately pissed me off. Wtf happened to this world? How can there still be gold digging, money dependent bitches? Then again, this IS OC.
THEN, she started talking about how her 13 year old son made a list of products that he didn't want her to buy anymore and when she asked why, he said it's because they test on animals. I was on the other side of the store *but it's super small* and shot her a look waiting for her response, cause I had already voiced my opinion about my feelings on animal rights and the fact that I'm vegetarian. Then she looks directly at me and says 'You're probably gonna be pissed about this, but I don't care! What else are they gonna test on. It's better they test on animals instead of us, or else we wouldn't have those things." I got sooooo fucking pissed. (when I get FURIOUS, I tend to tear up or cry). I ran to the back and cried a little bit thinking, "How can people be SOOO fucking cruel?' Then I regained my composure and went back out The whole time she was there she kept blabbing about how she doesn't diet or work out, cause she loves the body she has and getting surgery is the easy way out and it's not for her. Then about half an hour later she was talking about her boob job she got a couple years ago and how she's been contemplating lypo and she wants to start dieting. I though 'wtf? you're 33! grow up! have some fucking morals! stop being a hypocrite..."
So yeah, I was just completely disgusted and ended up just leaving work half an hour early. Sorry for the rant.
We're moving in 18 days! I had such an amazing time with my best friend when she was out here for a visit! It was only warm enough for a beach day for one of the days she was here though
and now, today, it's like 923847923874 degrees outside!
Well, I'm going to go put on some shorts and a tank top, blast my music, and clean!
they don't like me because i tell people how i feel, even when i shouldn't lol
Maybe you explain that to her or something
I try to buy products from animal from farms etc. Which is not that hard. But as soon as you eat out you are fucked.