Okay so I got back from Vegas and have been jetlagged like crazy. No blogging for this boy PLUS had a stack of shit to do when I got back to the world of smut mongering. Luckily Fireworks and Dreamweaver have been helping calm the savage beast.
The show went really well in the regards that there weren't too many people there and a lot less assholes than the norm. The real trou du c's stayed in Paname but don't even get me started on that
I drank gallons of Cosmos and chilled out on my own a bit too because i reall needed to step back and get some z 's and no-thinking time

The show went really well in the regards that there weren't too many people there and a lot less assholes than the norm. The real trou du c's stayed in Paname but don't even get me started on that

I drank gallons of Cosmos and chilled out on my own a bit too because i reall needed to step back and get some z 's and no-thinking time

That's cool. I was over in the states about 2 weeks ago and it seemed everyone was sick. Maybe more 5 hour naps would be the remedy

i hope its not an epidemic!!!!!! i hope it goes away soon! i think it's just that time of year when colds flourish. soon summer sun will be kissing our faces and these snotty noses and phlem filled coughs will be something of the forgotten past...