OK. So my first go on the journal bit. Got word that I was going to be shipped out to Vegas the day before yesterday. Porn convention numro quatre. Got the tickets. Booked the room. Procured the dollars. Contacted as many Canadian pals as possible in order to protect me from the people that I actually call 'Frre'. But, alas, that is a long story.
Vegas. Can't wait. Swing out to North America. I can smell the roasting meat already. And that irreproachable clean smell that we Europeans just don't get. i can hear the vacuum cleaners already. And the sound of the waitress who says 'here you go' as she gives me my first Cosmopolitan (a truly religious moment).
Last time and the first time I was in Vegas, it was completely surrealist. Yakking franais with my colleagues on the North American continent and then in the turn of the head having soemone offer sucking my cock for 150$. Opted for the free bar instead.
OK. First journal entry. Shipping out to Vegas. Countdown t - 14. What's gonna happen back in Amrique du Nord...Vamos. A . Ver....
Vegas. Can't wait. Swing out to North America. I can smell the roasting meat already. And that irreproachable clean smell that we Europeans just don't get. i can hear the vacuum cleaners already. And the sound of the waitress who says 'here you go' as she gives me my first Cosmopolitan (a truly religious moment).
Last time and the first time I was in Vegas, it was completely surrealist. Yakking franais with my colleagues on the North American continent and then in the turn of the head having soemone offer sucking my cock for 150$. Opted for the free bar instead.
OK. First journal entry. Shipping out to Vegas. Countdown t - 14. What's gonna happen back in Amrique du Nord...Vamos. A . Ver....

Can't wait to see my fave red dawg in Vegas! Woohoooooo it's coming fast!!

Hehehehehe this keeps up and I'm going to have to change my nom de guerre