If you loved me at all you wouldn't sign up for that offspring contest, just so I can win.
hmmm nothing big here. The weekend was boring and uneventful which is nice for once.
I just found out there are rattlers and black widows in UT.
Someone please save me.
washington doesn't have that shit. They have normal threats like cougars and bears. Not bugs and snakes and moose. EEEP!
I love my rockatiki. If people aren't nice to her I'll haunt them in their sleep.
I don't get to goto Seattle anymore. My sister is having medical issues so im not going to be able to fly up. =( *sniff* I miss her too =(
Gil's birthday is today. Go wish him happy repeated 30th!
Ummmm... ive got nothin'
"Doin' the bull dance, feelin the flow- workin it, workin it."
SG pic of the day:
Bree/Spray (courtesy of shane_is_rad
cause he loves him some Bree and wanted her to be the SG of the day

hmmm nothing big here. The weekend was boring and uneventful which is nice for once.
I just found out there are rattlers and black widows in UT.
Someone please save me.
washington doesn't have that shit. They have normal threats like cougars and bears. Not bugs and snakes and moose. EEEP!

I don't get to goto Seattle anymore. My sister is having medical issues so im not going to be able to fly up. =( *sniff* I miss her too =(
Gil's birthday is today. Go wish him happy repeated 30th!
Ummmm... ive got nothin'
"Doin' the bull dance, feelin the flow- workin it, workin it."
SG pic of the day:
Bree/Spray (courtesy of shane_is_rad

I don't blame you...I hate, hate, HATE snakes. Spiders I'm okay with, for some reason. Even black widows. I just take a shoe and smash their little black guts out. Snakes on the other hand.....
HAPPY 4th of July!!!