My sweet baby PJ
I so need to get out of this house. Im going fucking nuts.
So yesterday i worked out like a bitch... i mean a BITCH! I walked 2.5 miles, and did the eliptical for 2.25 miles.
Needless to say I was fucking tired and looking forward to bed.
So about 10:00 rolls around and Clay (16y.o. bro-in-law) comes in the house down through the downstairs with like 4 people (where we dwell and sleep and baby sleeps). He says "im haveing a few friends over" I said thats cool plllleeeeeaaaassseee be quiet so baby can sleep, the ceiling is really thin so you can hear everything..he's like ok cool we're just going to watch a movie, so I say "have fun"
1030 rolls around, im exhausted, FREEZING.... time for beddy bye.
So i have insomnia and it takes me quite awhile to fall asleep. So, as soon as I do, if someone wakes me up, i can't go back to sleep, and im cold as hell so that doesn';t help
well i finally fall asleep around 11:30. With fleece pj's, a sweatshirt, down blanket, and a fleece blanket. And I get woken up due to wrestling upstairs. It stops, i fall back asleep, it happens again...
repeat 2x.
So finally they stop and Im sound asleep and i hear fucking nepolean dynamyte, wrestling and loud ass kids....
I come running out and Non is trying frantically to get him back to sleep because he knows how tired I am. Pj (baby) is so upset, I thought Non woke him up and I was like WTF are you doing? and he said Clay woke him up. So i look at the clock and it had been 4 hours since he had eaten, so if he eats he'll go back to sleep. So I tell Jon i'm going to go make him a bottle. and he says "don't yell at Clay I already have" I said I wasnt.
So I go upstairs and the door at the fucking top of the stair is deadbolted shut from the other side. Clay fucking locked us in the basement to not disturb his party. By this point im fucking LIVID. I fucking pound on the door as hard as I can until he fucking answers, I make baby a bottle, and clay's like "oh we've been quiet, whats wrong" i said "don't feed me that bullshit clay you woke patrick up" (meanwhile there's lil girls giggling in the corner) and he's like oh sorry. I said whatever and went downstairs.
So Im fucking freezing downstairs, its colder than hell, we wrap PJ up in a fleece blanket and 3 of his baby blankets...
I give Jon the bottle to feed PJ, he just says "goto bed honey, you're tired and its not making anything better." so i was like "hmmm wait a second" so I run into clays room (which is right next to ours) and his window is wide fucking open. I could have killed him.
So i goto bed, finally warming up. and I hear fucking kids running around outside trying to be quiet with no luck. So Jon comes in and asks if Im still awake i said yeah.
He's like, "check this out, some guy opens the door (from outside) sticks his head in and asks where clay is, and i said upstairs, go up there. so he closes the door. 3 minutes later he slams the door open and 4 more fucking kids come running through the downstairs and run upstairs"
well the night went on with them leaving the house through the deck (which is right outside our room) repeateidly, wrestling and being fucking obnoxious.
Seriously. How inconsiderate can one person be. Im not pissed at his friend because they're 16 and thats what they do, I'm pissed at clay for bringing them over at fucking midnight.
Whatta prick.
So we woke up this morning and its clay, and 2 of his friends sleeping in the livving room upstairs right next to the kitchen. So I have NO problem being loud.... Preston (my ally)went downstairs and played piano as loud as possible, it was hillarious. I made eggs, and well ill be damned if i had to shuffle through every last pan to find the one i wanted...
ooops, might have made a little bit of noise there. And then while i was making breakfast, i put PJ in his swing, (well that I HAD to do because I can't just leave him downstairs) and conviently enough the swing was RIGHT over one of the boy's head.
well if any of you have met PJ, he's a talker... so loud just cooing and making lil screaming noises right above their pretty little heads... haha fuckers!
even PJ got revenge lol.
ahhhh.... can't wait till mom comes home. She's gonna get an earful. Shes gonna be so pissed.
He also borrowed 20$ from his mom and said he'd work it off today... where is he? no one knows... of course.
My sweet baby PJ

I so need to get out of this house. Im going fucking nuts.
So yesterday i worked out like a bitch... i mean a BITCH! I walked 2.5 miles, and did the eliptical for 2.25 miles.
Needless to say I was fucking tired and looking forward to bed.
So about 10:00 rolls around and Clay (16y.o. bro-in-law) comes in the house down through the downstairs with like 4 people (where we dwell and sleep and baby sleeps). He says "im haveing a few friends over" I said thats cool plllleeeeeaaaassseee be quiet so baby can sleep, the ceiling is really thin so you can hear everything..he's like ok cool we're just going to watch a movie, so I say "have fun"
1030 rolls around, im exhausted, FREEZING.... time for beddy bye.
So i have insomnia and it takes me quite awhile to fall asleep. So, as soon as I do, if someone wakes me up, i can't go back to sleep, and im cold as hell so that doesn';t help
well i finally fall asleep around 11:30. With fleece pj's, a sweatshirt, down blanket, and a fleece blanket. And I get woken up due to wrestling upstairs. It stops, i fall back asleep, it happens again...
repeat 2x.
So finally they stop and Im sound asleep and i hear fucking nepolean dynamyte, wrestling and loud ass kids....
I come running out and Non is trying frantically to get him back to sleep because he knows how tired I am. Pj (baby) is so upset, I thought Non woke him up and I was like WTF are you doing? and he said Clay woke him up. So i look at the clock and it had been 4 hours since he had eaten, so if he eats he'll go back to sleep. So I tell Jon i'm going to go make him a bottle. and he says "don't yell at Clay I already have" I said I wasnt.
So I go upstairs and the door at the fucking top of the stair is deadbolted shut from the other side. Clay fucking locked us in the basement to not disturb his party. By this point im fucking LIVID. I fucking pound on the door as hard as I can until he fucking answers, I make baby a bottle, and clay's like "oh we've been quiet, whats wrong" i said "don't feed me that bullshit clay you woke patrick up" (meanwhile there's lil girls giggling in the corner) and he's like oh sorry. I said whatever and went downstairs.
So Im fucking freezing downstairs, its colder than hell, we wrap PJ up in a fleece blanket and 3 of his baby blankets...
I give Jon the bottle to feed PJ, he just says "goto bed honey, you're tired and its not making anything better." so i was like "hmmm wait a second" so I run into clays room (which is right next to ours) and his window is wide fucking open. I could have killed him.
So i goto bed, finally warming up. and I hear fucking kids running around outside trying to be quiet with no luck. So Jon comes in and asks if Im still awake i said yeah.
He's like, "check this out, some guy opens the door (from outside) sticks his head in and asks where clay is, and i said upstairs, go up there. so he closes the door. 3 minutes later he slams the door open and 4 more fucking kids come running through the downstairs and run upstairs"
well the night went on with them leaving the house through the deck (which is right outside our room) repeateidly, wrestling and being fucking obnoxious.
Seriously. How inconsiderate can one person be. Im not pissed at his friend because they're 16 and thats what they do, I'm pissed at clay for bringing them over at fucking midnight.
Whatta prick.
So we woke up this morning and its clay, and 2 of his friends sleeping in the livving room upstairs right next to the kitchen. So I have NO problem being loud.... Preston (my ally)went downstairs and played piano as loud as possible, it was hillarious. I made eggs, and well ill be damned if i had to shuffle through every last pan to find the one i wanted...

ahhhh.... can't wait till mom comes home. She's gonna get an earful. Shes gonna be so pissed.

He also borrowed 20$ from his mom and said he'd work it off today... where is he? no one knows... of course.
hah that soo kute pj talks baby talk and little baby screams n stuff. I love that.. my baby sister use to make all those kute little noises...