Soo... mother's day is officially over. I was about to put young baby down to sleep when I realized he had barfed all over himself. ..we're not talking "oh man he spit up", it's full on down his front/back and it stinks. so, i bathe him, change him, and rock him... what happens? SAME EFFIN THING! Dammit, poor guy, has no problem sleeping with puke on him, so I bathed him, changed him, and here I am... paranoid. Poor Pj! I wish I could kiss his stummy better
So I have avoided the new "Star Wars" epidemic since the first one came out. It was almost cult like how people would be magnetically attracted to the show, wait in line, wear their effin clothes for christ's sake. So, I sucked it up and watched Episode I today. For the past 2 weeks hubby has been trying to get me to watch Episode II. Last weekend it was on a total of 16 times. My ADD ass couldn't pay attention. hahaha! So I have to watch it this week or hubby might run away and sell my soul for a litter of kittens.
fuckin a'

So I have avoided the new "Star Wars" epidemic since the first one came out. It was almost cult like how people would be magnetically attracted to the show, wait in line, wear their effin clothes for christ's sake. So, I sucked it up and watched Episode I today. For the past 2 weeks hubby has been trying to get me to watch Episode II. Last weekend it was on a total of 16 times. My ADD ass couldn't pay attention. hahaha! So I have to watch it this week or hubby might run away and sell my soul for a litter of kittens.

fuckin a'
I've never been into Stars Wars either.