I need a name for my e-bay shit hmmmm... 13 stitches works
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions. Any 3, no matter how personal, dirty, private, or random. I have to answer them honestly. In turn, you have to post this message in your own journal and you have to answer the questions that are asked to you. stolen from pretty kahlua
I stole this from the oh-so-lovely SarahJane
Pick a band and use their songs titles for the answer
.x. my artist: No fx!! Wheee!
.x. Are you male or female: My vagina
.x. Describe Yourself: We Ain't Shit
.x. How Do some people feel about you: idiots are taking over
.x. How do you feel about yourself: Clams Have Feelings Too (Actually They Don't)
.x. Describe your ex boyfriend: Idiot Son Of An Asshole
.x. Describe your current boyfriend: Pimps And Hookers
.x. Describe where you want to be: She's gone
.x. Describe what you want to be: We Threw Gasoline On The Fire And Now We Have Stumps For Arms And No Eyebrows
.x. Describe how you live: I live in a Cake
.x. Describe how you love: Bleeding Heart Disease
.x. Share a few words of wisdom: Please stop fucking my mom
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions. Any 3, no matter how personal, dirty, private, or random. I have to answer them honestly. In turn, you have to post this message in your own journal and you have to answer the questions that are asked to you. stolen from pretty kahlua
I stole this from the oh-so-lovely SarahJane
Pick a band and use their songs titles for the answer
.x. my artist: No fx!! Wheee!
.x. Are you male or female: My vagina
.x. Describe Yourself: We Ain't Shit
.x. How Do some people feel about you: idiots are taking over
.x. How do you feel about yourself: Clams Have Feelings Too (Actually They Don't)
.x. Describe your ex boyfriend: Idiot Son Of An Asshole
.x. Describe your current boyfriend: Pimps And Hookers
.x. Describe where you want to be: She's gone
.x. Describe what you want to be: We Threw Gasoline On The Fire And Now We Have Stumps For Arms And No Eyebrows
.x. Describe how you live: I live in a Cake
.x. Describe how you love: Bleeding Heart Disease
.x. Share a few words of wisdom: Please stop fucking my mom

So three questions (kahlua stole this from me, so Im not putting them in my journal again!)
!> if you could be in control of one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?
@> where would you go if you could travel anywhere in the world?
#> would you rather make an impact in only one persons life or be famous, never helping anyone?