Last Friday I was gassed and had to go through a decontamination shower
Confidence chamber or being gasses it a fun time 3 other student and I walk into a room with gas masks on. We line up in front of a fan and burner plate. Then our teachers put some pills into the burner plate the room fills with tear gas. then we take off our masks and try and say the sailors creed I only got a couple words out before my face was burning and I felt like I was choking and had a weird feeling in my chest i had snot coming out my nose my eyes were tearing up and I could barely see then after a min we put our masks on and purged them of the tear gas and walk out
a decon shower is nothing you walk into a little room and are surrounded with shower heads and they drench you with freezing water and you rub your hands on a window its so your instructor knows your now going into shock its shity but not that back i was laughing it lasts 30 sec
Confidence chamber or being gasses it a fun time 3 other student and I walk into a room with gas masks on. We line up in front of a fan and burner plate. Then our teachers put some pills into the burner plate the room fills with tear gas. then we take off our masks and try and say the sailors creed I only got a couple words out before my face was burning and I felt like I was choking and had a weird feeling in my chest i had snot coming out my nose my eyes were tearing up and I could barely see then after a min we put our masks on and purged them of the tear gas and walk out
a decon shower is nothing you walk into a little room and are surrounded with shower heads and they drench you with freezing water and you rub your hands on a window its so your instructor knows your now going into shock its shity but not that back i was laughing it lasts 30 sec
thanks baby! 

those pics are up in my blog